Chapter 36

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I managed to finish all my final exams with confidence, and I was more than relieved to be done with this semester. As a reward, Remington stacked up my apartment with snacks and drinks to celebrate, just us two. Once we got back, we stuffed ourselves with the many snacks he brought back along with the food he bought such as pizza, French fries, milkshakes, and slices of pie. I loved him so much, he knew that celebrating with food would make me the happiest. I also brought out my record player to put on a few records I had saved, and everything felt perfect then. A soft song started to play and Remington took my hand in his as he had us both stand up before he pulled me closer to him with his hand on my back while he still held my hand with the other. He started to dance with me and my heart felt like it was flying as he held me so securely and looked at me like I was the most beautiful creature he's ever laid eyes on. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes to listen to his heartbeat as we continued to dance to the music that made everything feel like heaven.

"Remington...", I said softly, he responded with, "Yes, my angel?" "I know we were afraid that being so far from each other would tear us apart, but I honestly feel like it brought us much closer instead. Is that weird to say?" I could feel him shaking his head as he replied with, "No, ma chérie, I feel the same way. In fact, it may be the reason I feel so much more attracted to you than before." I looked up at him and he was grinning so beautifully, it made me blush a little to see him so happy he was holding me so close to me. He caught my gaze and smirked as he placed his hand under my chin and placed his lips on mine so softly. I melted in his gentle embrace, and our lips moved in perfect sync. He pulled away for a moment, and then picked me up as he swooped his arm under my legs and carried me to my bed. He laid me on it gently and then climbed on top of me, towering over me as he admired me smiling up at him.

"What are you thinking, Remington?", I asked in a soft tone, he bit his lip and responded while shaking his head, "You're so beautiful, my angel. I just want to savor every moment I have with you." I blushed when he said that, and then he leaned in slowly to kiss my lips so softly. I wrapped my hands on the back of his neck, keeping him close and he held my face gently with his hand on my cheek. We kept kissing more passionately for another minute and then he pulled away and rested next to me on the bed. He propped himself up to lay his palm on my cheek and caress my cheek with his thumb, his eyes admiring every part of my face as he smiled like a lovestruck fool. "What do you see in me, Remington?", I asked him genuinely and then question seemed to surprise him, "I know you think I'm beautiful, but what made you stay with me for so long?" He stared into my eyes for a few seconds, seeming like he was surprised at my question, and then he planted a soft kiss on my forehead before he answered my question.

"When I say you're beautiful, I don't just mean your face, ma chérie. Every girl is pretty, but not every girl has the qualities and desirable traits you possess that made me fall in love with you. You could easily have any guy who could offer you so much more than I may ever, but somehow, you wanted to be with me and made me feel like a million bucks. You even love my brothers like they were a part of your family, and I never felt that kind of special connection with any girl before. You don't care what anyone thinks or says about your personal beliefs or goals, while every woman seems to stick to the status quo just to be safe. You're an extraordinary woman, in every way possible. Not just one. I hope to see you grow and love and just be happy as long as I can while I'm still yours, Carina. I love you." I felt the tears stream down my face when he finished and then I pulled him into a tear-filled kiss that made him grin a little. When we pulled away, he then asked me, "What about you, Carina? What do you see in me?"

I let out a small laugh as he wiped my tears away with his thumb, and then I took a deep breath to steady my voice before speaking. "My first impression of you was negative, I hate to admit. I thought you were everything I had to avoid, but I was wrong and naive. After I broke down my own wall and judgmental thinking, I could see all the parts of you no one else seemed to see right away. The way you care so much about your brothers and the people you love was admirable to me, when you saved my life and almost lost yours made me feel like I couldn't take advantage of that. There's something about your voice that I always liked. It never lied or pretended, and it shows you have more concern for others than yourself, and it makes me a little sad at first, but I honestly loved that about you. You make me feel so safe and so appreciated for who I am, and you never made me feel inferior about anything ever, when I've been used to feeling like that forever." I laid my hand on the side of his face as I concluded with, "I see a pure and innocent soul who is misunderstood way too much and needed someone like me to understand. I understand you, Rem, and I love you so much more than I thought I would."

He seemed overwhelmed by my words as he smiled so wide and then he planted multiple kisses all over my face, making me giggle at his lovable actions. Then he towered over me once more and kissed me so passionately, I felt my heart beat faster and my mind race as he deepened the kiss. Then he pulled away and left a trail of kisses down my jawline, then down to the crook of my neck, and kept kissing on that spot. The sensation was overwhelming my emotions, I let out small and quiet sighs of pleasure as I lightly tugged his hair and the fabric of his shirt as he held me close to his chest with one arm under my back. "What-What are you...Rem...?", I was unable to speak clearly as he continued to kiss my skin so softly and tenderly, I didn't want it to end. I felt him smile on my skin before he pulled away and whisper to me as I tried to catch my breath, "I like hearing your voice sing so sweetly to me. If I could, I kiss you all day long just to hear you sing in ecstacy and respond to my love meant just for you, my beautiful angel." I felt my face flush when he said that, and then he pulled me close to his chest as we laid there on my bed so contentedly and happy.

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