Chapter 1

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Present Day

Waiting at the airport with my friends, Nina and Allegra, we had been here for about two and a half hours but I honestly was the only one who didn't even get any sleep last night. I was too excited and anxious for this day. I know its only been over a week, but I was counting the days in my head when Remington and his band would return back home from going on a business trip to Los Angeles. About a month after the school semester was over, his older brother, Sebastian, finally called Sumerian Records back after they got an offer during spring break earlier this year, and then they were invited to LA to officially sign with them and receive the opportunity to start recording their first record. I was so happy for them all, they were finally letting their dream of being rock stars come true. I shuffled my feet and twirled my hair as I became antsy just to see their faces again once they landed. Mostly Remington, who I had been missing dearly and I couldn't wait to hold him in my arms and just feel his warmth and presence again.

The airport was busy, especially since it was the middle of summer and lots of people were traveling and visiting other places. I remember the only time I traveled somewhere else for a vacation was during spring break this year when my friend Delilah invited me and our friends to spend the week in California. It was one of the best weeks of my life and I couldn't be more grateful for the new family I found. As we kept waiting in the chair section of the building, I looked back up and scanned the floor again just to see scattered, random faces of people I didn't recognize. Then my eye caught a few familiar looking faces in the distance, especially the face of a spiky-haired boy with the most beautiful, brown eyes I've ever seen in my life. I stood up immediately from my seat and exclaimed to Nina and Allegra, "They're here, you guys! THEY'RE HERE!!!" I walked forward them until Remington found me and met my eyes, his entire face lighting up and he smiled more brightly than the sun.

I picked up my speed and ended up running toward him and as soon as I got to him, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he hugged me close to him and spun me around where he stood. I felt like I was flying when he did that, and when he stopped, he looked at me and placed his forehead on mine, the feeling so comforting that I didn't want this to ever end. "God, I missed you so much", he said to me, oh how I missed the sound of his soft, silvery voice speaking to me. "I missed you more", I said back and that was enough for him to hold the side of my face and press his soft lips against mine. I didn't hesitate for a second to kiss him back and show him just how much I missed him. I couldn't help but smile due to how happy I was that I was with him again, and it broke the kiss but he kissed my forehead as well. I hugged Sebastian and Emerson as well as Andrew and Zion, while Nina and Allegra reunited with their respective boyfriends. "I'm so happy you guys are back", I mentioned to all of them, "I can't ever express how proud of all of you that you're getting close to your dream." They expressed their gratitude for my words and support, and then we all headed to exit out of the airport and pick up cabs to return back home.

I was in the car with Allegra sitting in the passenger seat, Sebastian near one door and Remington sitting in the middle next to me. The rest of the company were in a separate cab just behind us. I looked out the window as I watched the airport disappear from our view as we drove farther away from it and soon enough, we were on the freeway. I continued looking out the window for a while as Remington talked to Sebastian and Allegra about the business affair with Sumerian, and then I felt Rem's hand gently take mine resting on my lap and when I turned to face him, he brought my hand up to his face and kissed it sweetly while giving me a small wink. It made me smile and blush when he did that, then I shifted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder as he tucked some hair behind my ear. "I couldn't sleep last night", I confessed to him, he asked, "Really? How come?" I felt my face flush as I told him the embarrassing answer, "I was too excited to see you again. I really missed you, Remington." He chuckled - God, how I missed that beautiful chuckle of his - and then he planted a small kiss on my head as he told me, "I missed you too, ma chérie."

Hearing him call me by that nickname again was enough for me to raise my head up and press my lips on his. He kissed me back and we held each other close as the kiss turned slightly more passionate, mostly because I was in need of his love after missing it for a while. I had forgotten where we were when Seb cleared his through loudly and me and Rem pulled away as our faces turned red in embarrassment. "You two must have a lot of catching up to do, I see", Seb joked, the comment making me gasp in shock and Rem flip his older brother off, "Go fuck yourself, Seabass!" Sebastian and Allegra laughed as she told him, "Sebastian, that's no way to treat your little brother", he waved his hand in dismissal and stated, "Oh, no, he's a big boy. He still loves me even if I annoy the shot out of him." Rem rolled his eyes and then brought them back to me as he kissed my cheek and caressed my other cheek with his thumb as he said to me in a soft and quiet tone, "You may be even more beautiful since I last saw you, Carina." I held his hand on my cheek and kept it there to keep the warm feeling on my face, "Really? What makes you say that?" "The more you love me, the more your inner beauty shows on the outside."

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