2:52 A. M. Night 1

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I stared in horror. Was this thing on our side or not? I didn't know what to say so I just kept holding the gun at it. It finally said to me "The kids aren't the only ones that tore me up." It pauses for a moment and then says "It was those freakin' old guys." I began to lower my gun. "But you humans are responsible for many of my injuries. I am not on your side,  nor theires." I swallow and say "Are you just going to sit and watch? That seems pretty cowardly fox." Im pretty sure he was trying to growl at me but all that came out was static that sounded like a radio signal. He limped away into the next room. I turned on my flashlight and looked around the room. No animatronics. I crawl out of the vent and put my gun back into my belt loop. So he is on neither side. What will he do if I kill all the animatronics? What will he do id they kill me? I remove the thought out of my head and walk into the room straight ahead. I flash the light around and see no animatronics. I had to get to the performance stage quickly. I just hope I don't die getting there.

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