2:53 A.M. Night 2

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I get up and walk into the party room. It's a mess in here. There is cake and pizza and streamers not hanging right. As I walk into the room, I step on something really sharp. "Ouch!" I pull a piece of metal out of my shoe. "A-are you ok?" Asks Bonnie. "Y-yeah I'm fine, my foots is just bleeding and I'm going to die. But, no, I'm just fine." Chica laughs so hard. It wasn't even that funny you know...Her voice glitches and all of a sudden, she goes mute and is still laughing. Bonnie slaps her in the back of the head, and her gears are locked back into place. I look closely at the piece of metal, it looks like a claw or talon. Bonnie snatches it out of my hand and says "This is mangles!" I steal the piece of metal back out of his hand. "How do you know?" He shrugs. "I don't know, foxes have claws and this is the only place she really loses parts." I pick up another piece of metal that is casually lying on the ground. "So how does she lose these parts again?" Chica answers "The kids tear her apart by playing with her too roughly. She hates us because we don't help fix her, but, we don't know how!" I examine the pieces of metal and say "How do I get her back on our side?"

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