first of all...

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Guys, i havnt updatted in a while, so im having to go reread my story and make sure things make since
Second of all, i dont have the same spark as when i started writing it, and i am not as involved in the fnaf fandom anymore
Third of all, ive started school and have tons of homework, not to mention mean teachers, so of course updates are going to take a long time
Last if all, please stop telling me to update, all it does is put pressure on me, and telling me to update is not just going to magically make me start writing, so don't expect later updates just because you told me to update. Im sorry if im being a little harsh but ive been stressed lately. Dont be suprised if i dont update for another month. I already said something like this in an earlier update. Just go read another story until i update, i know that might be hard but there are plenty of things for u to do other than pester authors to update thier stories. Would u do this to the author of hunger games, or divergent? No. So please be patient and consider my involvement and feelings. Thank you guys. Ttyl

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