1:25 A.M. Night 3

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Bb comes back a few minutes later in mangles arms. He is pouting and has crossed his arms. Mangle stops and says to him "we've learned our lesson, right?" He nods and she puts him down. He runs back over to the camera and starts to flick through the cameras again. Chica and Bonnie are talking quietly to each other. Bonnie is sitting with Chica using his knees as arm rests and Chica is laying in his lap. Were they like that in their past? It seems that everyone is connected with each other, except Freddy. I almost space out, but Bb snaps me out of it by asking "Look Jeremy!" I scoot over to him and look where he is pointing. No one is in the parts and service room. But the camera goes fuzzy, and there it stands. A red broken fox stands there. It looks up at the camera. The audio is horrible, but I can still make out what he says. "I'm not ok." I look at his chest. Three bullet holes. And I remember, the only way they can be disabled, is of they are severely injured in the head. The camera goes fuzzy again. He's not there. A faint patter of metal clanging to the floor grow faster and louder, and faster, and louder. Before I can react, I feel the hook sink into my shoulder. "I'm sorry I snuck up on you, but I'm not aloud to make noise."

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