You Have a Nightmare

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 After abruptly waking up with sweat around your forehead and tears in your eyes, you began to feel a little less than safe. It was painfully hard to suppress your scream, but you were a big kid, and big kids don't scream over a tiny, horrifying, soul-devouring nightmare. Luckily, your surroundings helped ground you, though they were dusted in black. Nevertheless, it was your room... not that awful place that you thought you were in. But even though your dream was over, your fear still existed. 

  You were drea- nightmaring about the boogey man. You dreamt that you woke up in the middle of the night to this large, lanky blue creature above you. All you could feel was his hot, smelly breath before he dragged you down under your bed and into another dimension. 

 You knew better than to believe in the boogeyman, but you still found yourself quite petrified at his possible-not-possible existence and the idea of you getting off of your bed. What if he was down there...? Waiting...?! 

Trying your hardest to relinquish the thought, you did what any other normal child would do. After quickly flopping out of your bed, you immediately ran to your parents' room while flipping on every light along the way; you didn't dare to look back. 

 By the time you got to your parents' bedroom, you were convinced that something was chasing after you. Little did you know that what you were about to see was far more horrific than any monster could be. 

  When you swung open the door, no regard for the wall on the other side, (are you really going to worry about a wall; you're about to get eaten by a monster!) you saw Daddy on top of Mommy... under the covers... You think it was that "wrestling" an older kid told you about that one time at school. 


 Nightmares were very uncommon for you, but when you had them, they were rough. There were some pretty dark and disturbing thoughts in your head. Almost all of which the horrors could easily be traced back to your father. 

 For instance, you would have nightmares about your father disowning you because of a low grade, being homeless because you didn't work hard enough, or being lost and forgotten in a dark parallel universe because you didn't listen to directions. 

Byakuya may have been a bit of a tough parent. 

 However, because your nightmares were very far and few in between, your father gave you special treatment when you had them. Like tonight, for example. You didn't remember your dream when you woke up. All you knew was that you were furiously trembling and that you didn't want to be alone right now. 

 You tried the best you could to get off of your bed with your jelly legs. Your home was big, but Byakuya's bedroom was fairly close to yours. 

Unfortunately, you became slightly irked when you arrived at the door. Did she have to be right there? At the foot of the door, like a guard dog, Toko had been curled up against the door and unconscious. 

 She usually stayed the night, no matter how many times your father told her not to. It's not like she had her own room here, but it's also not like she would ever get kicked out if she chose a random bed to stay in for the night... or week... or year. 

 She didn't usually sleep at his door or on the ground, so why did she choose today to do so? You loved Toko, don't get yourself wrong, but right now, all she was being was an obstacle. 

Leaning over her body, trying not to fall on top of her, you reached out to the doorknob and twisted it, slowly pushing the door open. You rolled your eyes as Toko's head and right hand fell into the open doorway as you did so. 

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