You get Kidnapped or Lost

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Makoto came back from work at his usual time and was prepared for the daily routine: him walking in, taking off his shoes—hearing some cartoon playing excessively loud from the living room—and only five seconds left to himself before his little girl shouts, "Daddy's home!" and runs up to greet him. 

Today was different. 

He was oddly surprised when he counted to 10 in his head and still didn't hear your small footsteps or cheers. He became even more perplexed when he realized the TV wasn't on... 

"(N/N)! Are you here?! Where are you~" He ended his sentence with a slight tease, wondering if you were gonna pop out and surprise him or if you were playing an impromptu game of hide-n-seek.

He proceeded to look everywhere in the house, his worry slightly growing each time he looked in a place and you weren't there. He didn't see your backpack either... Panic was beginning to set in, but he tried to have hope and optimism. Was the city bus running late? Mechanical difficulties maybe? 

He decided to wait another half hour before he became too worried... 


...But then a half hour passed and you still weren't back yet. 

Makoto immediately calls Kyoko as soon as that time is up. He hated to bother her while she was still at work, but if this wasn't an emergency, he didn't know what was. Thankfully, she must not have been too busy today because she picked up before he had to call her again. 

Kyoko couldn't even get in a greeting before Makoto hastily spoke about their missing child, stumbling over his words. "Alright, stay calm," Kyoko interrupted him, "Call the authorities and file a missing persons report," Kyoko answered just as hastily. She had to stay composed right now, it wouldn't help if both of them started to panic. 

It wasn't very long until Kyoko got word from her business about the missing child report. As unprofessional as it was, she pretended to have no connection to the victim. Sure, she should've informed the others that it was her child that was missing, but she just couldn't risk getting taken off the case. 

All ended well when you were finally found 3 cities away from your hometown. You apparently fell asleep on the city bus and didn't wake up until it was far too late. 

When you finally noticed that your surroundings were very unfamiliar, you didn't know what to do. Should you take another bus back? Should you walk home... whichever direction that was? Luckily, Kyoko raised you well and as soon as the initial shock went away, you borrowed a nice elderly stranger's phone to call the police on yourself. 

When you were brought back to the police station in your hometown, your dad was in the waiting room and gave you the biggest, most suffocating hug possible. Kyoko avoided you for her job's sake until she got home in which she gave you a second bear hug. 


It's no secret that Chihiro tends to lose himself in his work. Most times when he works from home, the only thing that breaks his concentration is you coming home from school. 

It was now about 25 minutes past your usual return time, but unfortunately, Chihiro had been too immersed in his programming to notice. It wasn't until Alter Ego paused the current program and started his own that Chihiro was snapped out of his trance. 

"Master!" Alter Ego greeted. "Are you aware of what time it is?" 

"Huh..." It took Chihiro a few seconds to register Alter Ego's appearance and the fact that he'd spoken, "It's 4:25, why?" Chihiro replied, quickly glancing at the computer's clock. 

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