Eat your vegetables

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    The little girl once more, shunned her greens at the dinner table. "I don't want to eat them, they look gross!" she exclaimed, pushing the plate away. 

     "Ice cream looks gross yet you still eat it." Kyoko chimed in, emotionlessly. 

     "It does not look gross, it looks yummy!" The toddler argued. 

    "No, it looks gross. It melts and drips, and it's sticky." She replied. 

     "She's right, and for all you know they could taste really good even if they don't look like they would be, so eat them!" Her dad replied with a smile, as he tried to make her eat the green beans, broccoli, and spinach. 

    "But I've had it before... it's gross." She replied, a disgusted look on her face as she used her fork to poke the vegetables. 

    "If you don't eat them you won't have any ice cream." Makoto sighed. 

     "No!" She yelled, horrified of the idea. 

     "Then eat." Kyoko ordered. She glared at her daughter, a sign that needed no words to inform her to follow the directions. With a sudden look of shock, the child began to appear angry and disgusted as she piled the food into her mouth. 

     "See, it's not so bad." Makoto stated, trying to lighten up the mood. The girl grumbled a few incoherent words as a response as she ate more of the green, healthy food. 


       "So what did you do today, (Y/N)?" Your papa asked as a smile played on his lips. 

       "I played with Chiaki..." You murmured as you played with your food. 

      "Sounds like fun, I'm sorry I couldn't play with you today." He frowned. You didn't mind that he didn't. He did still have work after all; besides, he played with you most days.  But that wasn't the problem now, the problem now is that he's talking to you. 

     You tried to be as least interesting as possible because tonight you had a vegetable on your plate that you absolutely despised. You were waiting until he paid attention to something else, like your sister, so you could throw it in the garbage, but he just wouldn't stop talking to the both of you. 

     He gave you no time to sneakily throw away the disgusting food into the trash can that was directly behind you, he wouldn't look away long enough for that. 

      "So father, have you made any progress in your assignment?" Chiaki asked. 

      "Yes, actually!" He cheered. 

       He began to explain what he had achieved. You always liked the look he had when he was talking about stuff like this, although it still sounded like gibberish to you, you enjoyed hearing him talk about it. 

    But currently, there was no time for you to listen to him explain while trying to comprehend his words; this was your chance! You quietly got out of your chair before you dumped the (Least favorite vegetable) in the trash and returned to your previous location. 

     You had thought you had gotten away with it, but once your father stopped talking, you realized you hadn't. 

     "I see, good job!" Chiaki congratulated quietly. 

      She then looked at your plate, then at you, "Oh, you finished your food quickly, you must've really liked it. Here, have some more." She stated removing some of the food off her plate and onto yours. Although your dad didn't detect anything odd from Chiaki's actions, it was clear as day to you, that she had seen you throw your food away... and now you had payback. 

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