I See a Ghost!

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Haha... a what now?

He thought he heard you wrong, and so he made you repeat yourself before he got too worked up. "Daddy, I think I saw a ghost!" You reiterated excitedly.

"O-Oh?" He nervously prompted, "And what- why would you think that...?"

He tried to put on a smile, but he was sweating bullets, a chill going up his spine. "Because I saw a pretty lady in the hall," You started. Makoto almost thought you saw an intruder instead until you continued. "She had long black hair and a white dress, but when she got to the end of the hallway, she kinda disappeared."

"..." The chills were back. He was in the hallway.

"She was really pretty though. I could see right through her! She kinda looked like the wind." You started rambling. "When I see her again, can I invite her over for dinner?"

The chills got worse. See her... again? You were expecting that to happen—again!?

"Um, maybe not. We should probably leave her alone, you know? Besides, maybe her showing up was a one-time thing," He laughed, now covertly trying to lead you both out of the hallway.

"Oh, no! She shows up in the hallway a lot! But I think she likes me!" You continued. Oh gods, he was gonna have to move, wasn't he? "She keeps showing up whe- hey, she's back!"

His heart dropped.

"Look! Behind you, Daddy!"


Chihiro was working when he heard a bunch of slamming noises coming from the kitchen. Were you playing too rough or were you trying to get something?

He followed the noises only to find you in the middle of the room staring up at the kitchen cupboards. "Hey, whatcha doin'?" Your papa asked.

"I'm watchin',"

"Watching... what?"

He followed your line of sight only to find himself blankly staring at the ordinary kitchen cabinets. Then one slammed shut.

Weird. He didn't even notice one cupboard was open when he first came out. He guessed the ceiling fan was on too high for it to have shut the door like that. Was that what you were doing? Opening the cabinets and waiting for them to slam shut on their own?

"I'm watching the cabinets open and close," You answered.

That made him confused. Open... and close? If you were the one opening them, why would you be watching them op-

And then another cupboard slammed shut; it was more aggressive too.

This time, he definitely knew that none of the cabinets were open. He almost thought his eyes deceived him—that the countless hours of staring at a computer screen were finally catching up to him—but the sound and common sense reestablished what he thought he saw. A cupboard was open, and then it closed.

But who opened it?

He started to stare at the cabinets just like you had been—just like you were—and for a third time, a cabinet door opened all on its own and then slammed shut.

His nerves were on fire. Every logical instinct in his body was telling him that ghosts don't exist—they're not real. But how else could he explain what he just saw!?

"A-Alter!" Chihiro finally called out, "Status update on "Home"?"

It took a few seconds for Alter Ego to reply, but the report came back normal. No intruders and no unknown technology in use. Another door slammed shut.

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