Your first steps

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        In the living room, Makoto and Kyoko sat. Makoto was on the left, Kyoko was on the right, and the baby was in the middle. Both of them were trying out different techniques to get you to walk. Makoto was being sweet and trying to urge you over to him, whereas, Kyoko had a box of cookies. 

      Sadly, it didn't work out entirely as expected for instead of walking, like they wanted you to do, you decided to crawl. 

     Currently, as trial number ten took place, Makoto continued to coo and Kyoko presented the cookies. Due to you switching your parent preference each time, Kyoko's cookies would have to wait for trial eleven. 

     Much to Makoto's dismay and Kyoko's prediction, you once again got on all fours and crawled. 

      Letting out an airy sigh, Makoto cut your journey short by picking you up, however, just as he was about to put you back in the middle, Kyoko stopped him. "Don't." She stated sternly, "Put her back down, hold her up, and then try to get her to walk." 

       He took a few seconds to consider the idea before he complied. Holding you by the armpits, he slowly lowered your form onto the floor; he loosened his grip and reduced his support once your legs began to steady themselves. 

     "Hey (Y/N), look at mommy! Look what mommy has! Mommy has cookies! Can you walk to mommy?" He cooed as he entirely let go. 

     Kyoko outstretched her arms causing you to take your first move. You swung one of your tiny feet in front of the other before pausing, attempting to regain your balance. A few seconds passed before you swung your other foot in front and stopped. 

    You continued to do this and take tiny pauses until you were a simple few steps away from Kyoko. As you took the next step, you fell. Your father ran over as your mom hoisted you up, celebrating.  

        "Good job, you did it!" Makoto cheered. You had finally taken your very first steps already. 


     You had finally been able to support your own body weight, allowing your tiny form to stand. However, walking was another story. Each and every time you put your second foot in front of the first, you fell. 

       But despite your previous faults, you were open to trying again; and trying you were. 

    Clutching the side of a table for support, your eyes locked on your target. Your father, aka, your goal, was a few steps away from you, patiently awaiting your arrival. With Chiaki at your side to help you if you fell, you felt safe and confident to try to walk again. 

     Gripping the table with all your infant might, you moved your right foot. Sadly, history began to repeat itself, for your balance slowly decreased, causing you to instinctively lean toward the table. After regaining your composure, you looked at your father for hope. Luckily for you, his smile was all you needed.  

    Focusing on your feet, you moved your left foot in front of the right. 

   Gliding your hand across the wood so it would no longer steady your form from behind, you managed to stay upright. So far, so good. Your progress caused you to adopt a smile as you took another step. 

    The table was your cane, without it, walking would be an inability. Well, that's what you thought anyway, and sadly, that theory was about to be put to the test, for the table was about to end with a remaining journey ahead. 

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