When You're Sick

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You were naïve and cocky the other day. Oh, how wrong you were. Last night, you were stoked when you heard your mom say that you'd be staying home from school the next day. You see, you simply thought that summer was challenging you by turning the heat up an extra 40 degrees, but that's when Kyoko decided to take your temperature only to find out you were gaining a fever. 

You didn't feel that bad sick-wise last night. A little hot, a little tired, but overall, you barely noticed. You were convinced that this would be the easiest fever ever! And lucky you that you got to skip school while you "recovered". You started planning all the stuff you could do at home while your classmates were stuck learning the history of Japan! Maybe play some video games, watch some TV, maybe daddy would spoil you a little if you acted really dramatic about your fever. It was going to be great! 

But then you woke up... 

Now, you suppose you were still glad that you weren't going to school, but you felt absolutely dead. It was like some demon sucked all of the energy out of your body—even so much as lifting your hand to grab a glass of water from your nightstand felt exhausting. 

So yes, your fever decided to hit you full force this morning, and you're now regretting having rejected Kyoko's healthy tea last night. You knew from experience that it was as bitter as could be, but even you could admit that it would've probably helped your condition. 

Maybe you could ask Makoto if he knew Kyoko's recipe... You soon heard a knock on your door, and speak of the devil, your dad walked in. "How are you feeling, (n/n)?" 

Your mom and dad discussed it last night—they both decided that it'd be best for one of them to stay home for the day while you were ill. Makoto was usually the stay-at-home dad in these situations so... 

"Bad..." You muttered, barely audible. 

 Makoto walked further into your room before setting your lunch down on the nightstand. "Let's see..." He mumbled, putting the back of his palm against your forehead, "Yeah, you still feel really warm," he said, sitting down next to you on your bed and beginning to help you sit up, "I know it's not your favorite, but I made you some soup for lunch. Are you feeling hungry?" 

You shrugged weakly as Makoto handed you the bowl—it was still steaming. That certainly didn't help the raging fire you currently felt in your head, but okay dad. 

"Is there anything else I can get you? Water, medicine, another pillow?" He asked, pushing away some strands of hair that had been sticking to your face. 

You paused. If you were sick, this was the least you could get out of it. You gave your best fake cough and tried to act as pitiful as possible, "Could I... Could I have some-" You paused to cough again, "-some ice cream? For my throat, 'cause ice cream's cold." 

Makoto gave a soft smile as he gave your head a pat, "Sure. Some cold ice cream coming right up!" 

Maybe these next few days wouldn't be so bad~! 


You weren't sure whether to be thankful or annoyed. Chihiro—as sweet and kind as he is—was smothering you. You were unfortunate enough to have caught a cold a couple days ago, and the programmer has refused to let you leave your bed since. If it wasn't the bathroom, it wasn't necessary. 

You weren't even allowed to go to the living room to watch TV despite how bored you were being holed up in your room all day. Right as you began to stand up and swing your legs over your bed, Chihiro instantly panicked and shoved a blanket in your face telling you to sleep. 

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