Someone Pushes You

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Your parent took you to the park today. Everything was going well—you were having fun flying high on the swings—when suddenly a kid grabbed your chain to slow you down. Your parent was already getting confused and debating on whether or not they should intervene. Wait your turn, she got here first, all that normal bizz. But then, once your swing slowed down enough, the kid just shoved you off without a care in the world, and you crashed into the sand. 

Your mom/dad's eyes were blown wide by this point. The kid just calmly took his seat and began to swing as if it had been empty the whole time while you were shakily getting up. You ran back to your parent once you noticed he/she was staring. "I'm alright!" You cheered as if that was the sole concern—like you just tripped and had to reassure them you didn't get a scratch. 


"Hey, are you okay? Do you need me to have a talk with that kid?" It was rhetorical, he was about to anyway. But you looked confused. 

"Huh? No, like I said I'm okay!" You seemed to notice the way your dad was looking at the other kid in disbelief, so you decided to set the record straight, "He does this to me all the time. We're just playing!" 

Makoto's brows furrowed even deeper. "You know that kid? He does this a lot?" 

"Uh huh. He goes to my school. We're always playing around like this. I'm on the slide and he gives me a push down, I'm on the swings and he shoves me off." You listed innocently. 

"Sweetie, kids don't play like that. That's not nice. He's being mean." He tried talking in simple terms so you'd understand. "Friends don't do that. You could've gotten hurt." And now he's spinning you around to verify you didn't get hurt during your fall. Other than a couple of red marks from your impact that were sure to go away soon, he didn't find anything. 

"Oh..." You said disappointed. Your sad face alone almost made Makoto regret telling you. You poor thing, you thought you had a friend. 

"Hey, look at me. It's alright. You don't need friends like that. You can make better ones. Look! there's a girl over there on the slide, maybe you should go talk to her?" He suggested, and you nodded half-heartedly. 

Makoto made sure you went over to the other little girl safely, and that she was nice, and not... the bully's sister or something... before he went and took matters into his own hands. 

"Hey, there." Makoto greeted, approaching the bully. The kid gave him the stank eye. "That was my daughter you just pushed off the swing. She says you do this often?" 

"Yeah..." The kid was upfront, "I wanted to swing. She's always hogging up the fun stuff." 


"Well, (Y/N)'s really good at sharing. If you wanna try something, I'm sure if you just ask, she'll give you a turn." The kid didn't make any reaction, "Is your mom or dad around here?" 

The boy looked off to a woman near a big oak tree before looking back at Makoto. "No." 

Well at least he knows he's a bad liar. 

"O-kayyy. Well I'm gonna ask you only one time to stop being mean to (Y/N) and pushing her, hitting her, or taking her turns. If I hear that something like this happens again, me and your mom are gonna have to have a talk." 

Now the kid was listening. His eyes went wide, and he suddenly seemed less tough than before. 

"Okay?" Makoto confirmed. The kid sheepishly nodded his head, avoiding looking Makoto in the eyes. "Good." 

Makoto made sure to check on you a few days later, and sure enough, your "friend" hadn't caused you any more trouble. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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