You Get Your Period

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(A/N: We hit 100k views?! Are you kidding me, that's awesome!! Thank you guys so much, I love the interaction on this book, it's just crazy! If you're interested in a 100k special, gimme ideas!!) 


You were in the bathroom when you noticed blood on your underwear and your... well, everywhere. You tried not to panic. You knew what this was, but you never actually internalized the fact that it would happen. 

You wanted to call for mom, but she wasn't home and wouldn't be for a while. You kept a level head even though you were panicking inside and chose to grab a wad of tissues and use that as a pad. Girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do... 

When you washed your hands and returned to the living room, your dad was already on the couch watching TV. Oh, that's right, you guys were watching a show together. You sat down on the couch awkwardly, and Makoto seemed to notice, "Everything alright, (N/N)?" 

You jolted a bit but nodded anyway. Your dad didn't seem to buy it, but he didn't press either and just clicked play. You could barely focus on the show at all. Every slight movement felt weird and wet, and you became paranoid that you were leaking. You ran to the bathroom 3 times within the hour just to check and replace. 

The third time you came back, Makoto didn't hit play again. "Something's wrong. What's up?" He asked, a dull concern on his face. Not enough to be worrying or confrontational, but enough that you knew he wouldn't let it go with a simple "nothing." 

"Nothing's wrong, it's just a... girl thing. When does mom get back again?" 

He looked confused for a moment, and he was about to answer you when something suddenly clicked. 

"A girl thing?" He repeated; you nodded. "Well, mom gets back at 10, but just so you know, I can still help with girl things. I have a wife, and I had a sister growing up. We have some ibuprofen in the medicine cabinet, and we have a heated blanket somewhere in the closet if that's part of the problem?" 

That helped relax you a bit, but you were still tense. "Can we go to the store and get some pads or something?" You finally asked. 

"Pads? Yeah, of course. You ran out of the ones your mom put in your closet?" He asked, and then you felt so dumb. Your mom did put pads in your closet! You had a whole period set in there so that you wouldn't feel unprepared when you finally got it. How did you forget?

You forgot to acknowledge your dad when you ran to your room, but he must have gotten the hint. After you found your period stash and used a pad instead of your tissue clump, your mood got better. 

When you returned to the living room, Makoto hit play and everything was back to normal again. 

"Also (N/N), I know you'd prolly prefer to talk to your mom about this stuff, but seriously, please don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything." 


The day of dreary hath come! For you, youthful as can be, cast your eyes down yonder only to see RED. The tragedy of battle and many had fallen. Mourn thou shalt do, but nye for long since the battle hath justeth begun.

Okay, you were a little dramatic, but being dramatic is kinda fun. You knew what happened as soon as you saw the blood. Maybe it was the placebo effect, or maybe you just didn't really notice before, but you suddenly felt some uncomfortable cramps right after, and that pretty much solidified it for you that you indeed just got your first period.

You already had the maturity and puberty talk from Chiaki when you were younger. Chihiro would've given it to you himself, but he thought you might feel more comfortable hearing it from another girl. Chiaki had a whole human growth and development module installed, even prepared for questions.

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