Despair AU: They Find Your Body

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Despair AU: Consider the prompt that Junko tried to do the killing game while they were in High School, but it never actually happened. All these years later, she finally pulls it off. She brings in everyone from her original class, and their families just to spice it up. In everyone's scenario, you are the only child, no other character also has a child. 


Makoto was scared. But it wasn't the same fear he usually felt whenever he heard a body discovery announcement. No, this fear was much different because... because you've been missing for the past few hours. 

When Makoto noticed he hadn't seen you for a bit, he was hoping you were in your room and just didn't wanna answer the door when he knocked. He was still hoping for that now, but with the new body discovery announcement, he began to think the unthinkable.  

He finds Kyoko while he and a few others were looking for the body, and she's as composed as always. It gave him hope; he was probably just a worried parent blowing things out of proportion. 

But then they found the body. 

It's you... 

He didn't wanna believe it, but the proof was right in front of him. Kyoko's stoicism is gone in an instant but he's not quite sure what replaces it. Surprise, shock, fear... despair? 

He didn't get much time to contemplate because she leaves the room virtually immediately. He couldn't. He couldn't tear his eyes away from you. He slowly reached out for your hand—tears brimming his eyes—and then suddenly drops it as if it burned him. 


You were so cold. And it breaks his heart that his first thought was to get you a sweater before you got sick. 

Heh... a lil late for that, huh? 

Was that the killer's plan? To kill you—the only person the two people solving all the crimes loved most—so that he and Kyoko would be too distracted to find the murderer. He supposed, it would be easier to kill you than to kill one of the two fully grown adults. 

The tears fall, and he's almost surprised that they stayed in his eyes that long. He grieves softly for the first 5 minutes, but he knows the timer's ticking. They only have so much time until the trial, and he wasn't going to solve anything by just crying over your cor- over your body. 

He was going to avenge you, but he could only do that by exposing your killer and getting everyone out of this killing game. 

He leaves the room in hurried strides as he looks around the school grounds for clues. He eventually finds Kyoko who was apparently doing the same. She looked like she'd been crying, but her face and eyes were dry. Makoto couldn't relate. 

He eventually convinces her to have the same hope he did, the same purpose he found, until she agrees to look over your body for clues. He was always good at encouraging others. 

The time for the trial eventually came, your killer was revealed, and their execution happened before Makoto knew it. He broke down in his room that night and the night after, but he knew he had to carry on. 

Besides he still had to do something else before he would consider your death avenged. He still had to free everyone from Monokuma's game... 

For you


Instant tears. As soon as he sees that the dead body announcement was for you, the tears come out. And that's just at the beginning. Once the realization finally sets in, he's sobbing loudly—wailing. He can't bring himself to think or process any information, so he just walks up to you and sets your head in his lap. He just holds you—it's all he can do—his baby. The group lets him. 

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