You Watch Adult TV Shows

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Makoto was in the dining room finishing up some work while you watched TV in the living room. He was starting to doze off, slowly tuning out whatever he was doing, and that's when he started to hear your show. It sounded a little too familiar at first, he was trying to place it. My Little Pony? No, definitely not. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? No... 

 And then it hit him. He shot up immediately, almost toppling his chair over, and ran to the living room. He rushed there a lil too fast though, because he slid across the room before collapsing in front of the TV. Oh well, he managed to press the power button on his way down, so a win's a win. 

"(Y/N)..." He had to pause to catch his breath. He was a little too panicked for what the situation called for, but that aside, his fall also knocked the wind out of him, "Where'd you find this show?" 

You looked surprised and confused—valid when you just saw your dad parkour his way out of the other room to turn off your entertainment. "I was just flipping through the channels, and I saw a cartoon." 

Maybe he should look into parental guides. "Ok, well that's a bad  cartoon, so if you see it again, just keep flipping, okay?" 

"Okay," You nodded. 

He caught his breath and picked himself back up before turning the TV on again (and standing in front of it) so that he could flip to a more child-friendly program. 

"See? The Owl House, much better," he panted. 


"Okay, Alter, can you run the analysis?" Chihiro absent-mindedly asked while programming. No response. "Alter?" He called again, eyes still trained on his screen. 

When he still didn't get an answer, Chihiro's brows knit together, and he looked toward the monitor Alter Ego should've been appearing on. "Alter Ego?" He asked a third time, messing with the monitor, turning it off and on again, before returning to his computer to pull up Alter Ego's program. "Disabled?" 

The plot thickens? He's never disabled Alter Ego before. After re-enabling him and allowing him to load, Chihiro got a notification on Alter's monitor: "Parental Lock: TV" 

Chihiro had to squint to read it, but after he did, things started making sense. He left his office to quietly check on you in the living room, and sure enough, you were watching a show outside of what the parental controls allowed. 

"(Y/N)..." He stretched out your name in a disapproving voice, and that was enough to get your attention. You looked like you knew you were caught-red handed, but you tried to smooth out your reaction. 

"Hey... Papa. What's up?" 

"Did you turn off Alter Ego so I wouldn't find out you were watching bad shows?" 

"Umm..." You were definitely a bad liar sometimes. 

"How many times have I told you, don't turn off your brother." He vocalizes, taking the remote and turning the TV off. "It's bad enough you intentionally watched something I've told you not to, but to turn him off so that you wouldn't get caught? What if an emergency happened? He needs to be on at all times." 

You sulked in guilt on the couch while he scolded you. 

"I don't wanna have to do this, but no TV for a week. This is not okay." 

"I'm sorry..." 

Chihiro sighed, and his own face drooped. He never liked you looking sad, even if it was from the consequences of your own actions. "Just don't do it again. You can go play outside? It's a nice day out." 

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