Stop. Eating. Glue.

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"Oh, baby, baby, noooo!" Makoto calls out as soon as he enters the living room. You were watching Teletubbies on the TV, happy as a clam, while you shoveled something into your mouth. Makoto couldn't see what it was, but from prior experience, he could take a guess.

Sure enough, as soon as he's running to your side to get your hand out of your mouth, he sees the Elmer's Glue bottle haphazardly lying on the floor while the glue was neatly spread out on a paper plate in front of you. At least you were using a plate?

"You have got to stop eating this, (N/N). Remember what we talked about? This is super, super bad for you," He said, pulling your glue-covered hands out of your mouth and trying to scoop all the glue out of your mouth.

You gurgled in response—something incoherent, and Makoto didn't even think you knew what you meant. You tried to move your hand out of his grasp to scoop up some more glue, but Makoto caught you before you could.

He carried you to the bathroom before washing your hands and cleaning your mouth out. He would listen to you next time you asked for a snack after school, he didn't need you taking matters into your own hands.

Anyway, when he was done, he had you back in the living room watching Teletubbies, but with apple slices this time. While you were distracted, he hid the glue. Specifically in the medicine cabinet or the alcohol drawer... both were locked and childproofed. 


"Master!" Alter Ego begins, "I have another alert for "Glue Incident."" 

"Not again..." Chihiro groans. He immediately left his work to go find you. This was a problem Chihiro was not expecting to have, and none of the parenting books warned him about this. 

You had picked up an interesting habit of eating glue. Chihiro didn't know where you got it from, and frankly, he didn't care. He just wanted to know how to stop it. It became such a problem that he had to create a new program on Alter Ego because you kept eating glue. 

He finds you in the living room with white smeared across your hands and face, and he has to wonder who the heck keeps giving you glue. There was none in this house! He got rid of it all after the first incident! 

"(Y/N), no," Chihiro whines. He sees you sucking on your glue-covered fingers and immediately tries to coax them out of your mouth. After a few moments of that not working, Chihiro tries to tug them out, and it's only then that he realizes your hand is glued to the inside of your mouth. 

He panics. This has got to be toxic, right? Are you going to die?? How is he supposed to get you unstuck? Normally he would use an adhesive remover, but he can't put that in your mouth! 

He ended up just prying gently for a few minutes and that thankfully worked to get you unstuck. He washes your mouth and hands as carefully as possible before he throws out yet another glue bottle. 


This is one of his... less proud moments of you. His child, of all children, just had to pick up this disgusting habit. He thought he caught you while you were just experimenting. He was hoping you'd notice the glue tasted awful and then it would lose its appeal, but there was one problem. Uhh, he doesn't watch you, so he doesn't know that this has actually been going on for a few weeks now. 

Toko's usually the one supervising you, so it's unclear whether she didn't notice or didn't care. Either way, your father comes into your room to check on you one day, and you're drinking this very white liquid out of a cup. 

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