They bathe you

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     "Makoto, get in here." Kyoko yelled, waiting inside the bathroom.

    Soft footsteps echoed from the halls, nearing the restroom, "I'm coming!" Makoto replied, jogging. The young man carefully entered the room, unsure if any water may have made its way onto the tile. "My trunks are still damp from last night." He chuckled, patting the moist clothing. 

    Gently entering the bath, joining his daughter, he cautiously added his weight to the water, in an attempt to prevent any water from spilling or splashing onto the floor. Sadly, his efforts were in vain, for his daughter immediately began to throw her arms in and out of the water upon noticing his presence

    "Da-da!" She screamed, harshly splashing the water. The little girl gave out a large smile, causing her tongue to fall out of her mouth. Makoto couldn't help but laugh at that, even managing to catch the sight of a small smile on his stoic wife. 

   "Alright! Ready to get all nice and clean?" He asked; rhetorically of course. Pulling you into his lap, he reached for the shampoo before pouring the liquid onto his hand; next, he got right to work. 


       A small grin fell upon Chihiro's face as he watched you play. Kneeling down and resting his head against the edge of the tub, he continued to swing his finger back in forth in the water, making ripples. Since Chihiro was still quite new to the 'parenting' thing, he wasn't aware that babies and small toddlers, such as yourself, were actually typically bathed in sinks, resulting in him always bathing you in the bathtub. 

     Despite the water being low, -as for your safety- Chihiro still managed to effectively put bubbles in your bath, to which you were highly thankful for. 

   Continuing to watch his baby play and laugh with the bubbles, he found himself at pure bliss; you were so cute. 

   Grabbing another handful of bubbles, you continued to play with them by clapping your hands together, making them go everywhere. Your father let out another chuckle, due to your reaction of the sudden explosion, however, he soon became worried as he realized some of it splattered across your face. 

   Quickly taking charge, he leaned over the bath tub's wall and pulled your form closer to him. With you still in the bath, Chihiro started the faucet and used the water to wipe off all of the bubbles on your face before they could end up in either your mouth or your eyes; both of which would honestly be an utter nightmare to handle. 

    Once he had finished his work, he smiled again as to reassure you of any worry you may have accumulated. "All better!" 

     His technique seemed to work for you gave out a large grin, resembling his own, before repeating his words, but in a more sloppy manner, "Alh betta! Alh betta! Alh betta!" 

      He laughed again before giving out a slight hum when he noticed something: he had yet to turn the faucet off. Leaning over the tub again, (and hoping not to fall in) he turned the dial all the way over, causing the rough stream to soften and soon dissipate. 

     Luckily, the water hadn't gotten too high as to endanger you, no, it only went from your belly button up to your chest. "Okay! I should probably get the soap and actually start the bath, huh?" he mumbled to himself before reaching down beside him. 

     At the other, non-wet, side of the tub, Chihiro had carefully laid out the shampoo, conditioner, soap bar, and towel. 

     After grabbing the right bottle, he looked back at the tub, only to notice that you had swam, or rather water crawled, to the opposite side of the tub. 

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