The first word

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      Currently, Makoto was playing with his daughter as she laid in her crib. One hand grazed over his child's fingers, while the other was supporting his weight on the bed frame. He gave out a light chuckle each time one of her tiny hands would tightly grip at his finger. 

         "Ma, ugh, ha, ko, ah," She groaned, making random baby noises in the form of gibberish. She cooed some more before swiftly taking hold of his dangling pointer finger. 

       "Hey, (Y/N) say 'daddy'." Makoto stated. With the girl's first word unspoken, Makoto had been really hopeful that it would be either mommy or daddy; however, instead of repeating the word, the young baby simply continued to coo. 

     "Da-Dy!" He tried sounding it out for her, even though he knew she probably wouldn't repeat it. She probably wasn't even old enough to say her first word yet, but he still enjoyed trying. 

          "Daddy!" He spoke the word once more. He was welcomed by mere silence. 

          He let out a brief sigh before continuing to allow her to grab his finger adorably. As time passed by, he decided to lift his finger from her grasp. The baby attempted to grab hold of his finger but to no avail, he was holding it too high for her to reach. 

     "Dahe!" She breathed out. Makoto's eyes widened as he slowly dipped his finger down again, to which his child immediately grabbed onto, happily. It may not have been the proper pronunciation, but isn't that the entire reason daddy's a word? 

      After processing the previous event and passing the shock, he grabbed his daughters tiny body from the crib and held her gently, hugging her. "Good job!" He whispered. In the somewhat bliss, he found himself holding his daughter safely in his arms as he danced with her. (Y/N) didn't seem to mind it. 

        Makoto happened to be dancing by the doorway, just as it opened, revealing his wife whom just came home from the supermarket. Makoto stopped dancing as a blush of embarrassment clouded his face. He greeted Kyoko, before stating the new news. "Guess what (Y/N) just did~!" He giggled. At least the attention was on him no longer. 


        Your papa was currently a few feet away from you, on the computer, programming. In front of you, was a tower of building blocks, and behind those, Chiaki was sat. The two of you were both playing in your papa's office. 

      Chiaki began to grab one of the many blocks that were scattered around the floor before adding it to the pile. "7." She named. The typing in the background somewhat muffled her words due to how quietly she spoke. 

       Seven blocks were now forming a small tower for the 20th time. The previous towers had all fallen within the range of five blocks, making you very frustrated. It was now your turn to put on a block; you decided upon adding a blue block that was to your right. When you placed it on top, it seemed to balance well. 

      Much to your dismay, just as Chiaki was about to grab a yellow block, the entire 'building' collapsed yet again. "Stupid blocks!" You screamed finding your patience had flown far way. 

       Chiaki's eyes widened just as the typing in the background had ceased. A few seconds of silence filled the air, allowing you to calm down a tiny bit. Chihiro's chair turned around with a light push as he turned to face you; his eyes were as wide as Chiaki's. 

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