You Have a Near-Death Experience

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 (A/N: Hello! Okay, so this chapter clearly has a more sensitive topic, so please be careful. If you feel that anything here would be bad for your health to read, then I suggest skipping this one. There will be a more specific list of possible trigger warnings in this comment section ----->) 


Being an only child was hard. There was no one your age to play with, and the adults got tired so easily. You and Makoto were having fun playing outside with a ball when your dad had to take a break to "catch his breath". 

It was always hit or miss with him. On some days he would eventually join you again, and on others, he would decide an hour or two later that he truly was worn out and would instead supervise you as you played by your lonesome. At least it kept you on your toes. 

For now, you were still in that limbo. Although, things were more in your favor this time since he was still throwing the ball—just from the comfort of his lawn chair in the shade. He was having you fetch the ball and return it like a golden retriever, but at least he was participating. It was a lighthearted family funtime until he threw the ball over your head and into a bush. 

"Oh, shoot, sorry!" Makoto laughed half-heartedly, a sheepish grin on his face. 

Oh, well. You dismissed the terrible throw and went over to the shrub. You didn't want to just reach your hand in—who knew what creepy bugs were in there—so you stuck your foot in to try and feel for the ball.

It wasn't long until you felt something kinda round... but that something round wasn't a ball, and now because of you, it wasn't happy. 

You felt the pressure before you felt the pain, but as soon as you did, you stumbled away from the bush and fell down. The first thing you saw when you looked up was a vibrant-colored snake slithering away from the bush... and the second thing you saw was the stream of blood rushing down your leg. 

You started crying, the feeling of the snake's fangs embedding themselves into your skin still terribly present. You didn't even hear Makoto call out to you or rush over. He instantly took a look at the wound and began to panic. The area surrounding the bite mark was surprisingly inflamed and quickly turning purple. What the hell was that thing?! The only snakes in this part of Japan were harmless! And no bite should have been getting this bad this fast. 

Given the color of both the snake and the wound, Makoto assumed that the snake was venomous and drove you to the Emergency Room as quickly as possible. The bite was constantly changing colors, and it almost seemed like the infected area was spreading. 

Throughout the entire drive, Makoto was trembling, constantly trying not to jerk the wheel too much. He was worried at first, but now he was terrified. Your face and body were drenched in sweat. You also seemed to struggle with breathing, your breaths becoming softer and more ragged as your face visibly lost color. 

By the time he arrived at the hospital, his rapidly beating heart almost stopped completely. You were unconscious in the passenger's seat beside him, but for the first few seconds, he thought you died on the way. 

He carried you into the hospital and begged for help. Although he knew you were in good hands, Makoto panicked even more as soon as you were out of his arms. What if that's the last time he saw you? What if that's the last time he would hold you? What if that was the last time your body would feel warm...? 

He impatiently stayed in the waiting room while you were being treated. He tried not to cry, and he tried not to be too loud, but he failed both times. He wanted to remain calm. He wanted to look on the brighter side of things. He got you to the medical professionals fairly quickly, so you should be fine! Venom takes time to act in full, and since you were still alive a few minutes after the bite, the venom isn't instant. 

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