''I Love You''

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"Daddy... I love you!" 

He's caught a little by surprise, but he immediately beams into it. "Aw, I love you too, sweetie." He replies, pulling you into a sweet, brief hug. Tight and loving, but it didn't overstay its welcome. "Is something up?" 

As happy as he is to hear that, he wonders if something triggered it. Are you having problems? Did you do something you weren't supposed to? Did you want ice cream? 

"No, I just wanted to say that I love you." 

His smile widens, and he just pats you on your head. "Well, that's sweet of you! I love you too, honey." 

He knew it was true, but it was still nice to hear. He was all smiles for the rest of the day. 


"I love you, Papa!" You cheered at random. You had a big smile as you made your announcement, and Chihiro could physically feel his heart swell. 

"Aww, I love you too!" He replied. He squeezed you tight, holding you tighter and for longer than you would've personally chose, but it's because he doesn't want to pull away and have you see that he's almost crying. 

He just loves you so much, and he knows that you love him too, but to hear you say that out of nowhere for no other reason than to let him know just made him feel so touched. It's like he can see you as a baby, and as a toddler, growing up, and you're just his daughter, his child, and everything seems to hit him all at once. 

Kids are just so innocent, and you have no idea how much those few words mean to him. 

He eventually pulls away and wipes his eyes of any would-be tears before composing himself. 

 All-in-all, a happy, wholesome moment. 


"And... I love you, Father." 

Is confusion. What? HUh? Love? What is this foreign emotion. Not in vocabulary. Confused. 

Jk, but he is confused. You just offhandedly told him that after turning in your assignments and before returning to your room. You looked back at him once, gave him a kind—yet unsure—smile, and turned back around before leaving completely.

 You didn't want to hear a response. In fact, you were kind of scared of if you did. You didn't want a lecture, a "hurry up", or a condemnation. Worse off, you didn't want the silence and thick, awkward air if he didn't say anything back... you didn't want the rejection of him not saying anything back. So you left before that conundrum could occur. 

He thought about your words a lot after you left—just processing it. He... quite literally didn't know what to do in this situation. But it's not like he needed to evade it or was pressured to return it because he was alone... no one else to run from, just him... 

Marinating in his thoughts... 


"I love you!" 

Kiyotaka was finishing up dinner when he heard his little girl behind him. He looked at her a little quizzically before returning the sentiment. "Well that's good because I love you too!" He has a happy, dad smile on his face, and you seem pleased. He bent down to give you a couple kisses—some on your head and two on your cheeks—before returning to the stove.  

 You scampered away happily afterwards, and he just thought about how cute you were. Ishimaru was pretty nonchalant when things like this happened. He always thinks it's sweet, but he doesn't think much of it. 


"I love you, Daddy!" 

Those were the words Mondo heard out of nowhere. He was just chilling inside his bedroom, and now suddenly, you were in front of him looking at him expectantly. His brain short-circuits for a second as he processes that, and you're still looking up at him patiently. Why? 

Oh shit, yeah probably for a response of some kind. You just told him you love him, that's not like coming up and saying you're hungry. He needs to think. 

All of these thoughts happen in the span of a second, so he's not that delayed in real life, but his mind is running a million miles a minute. Once he can finally process what happened, his thinking is more fluid. 

He maintains a stone cold face, "Love ya too, kiddo." He answers nonchalantly, rubbing your head. You smile into it and seem pleased, and your expression is making him fight back a smile. Once his hand left your head, you happily left the room to go watch your show, and suddenly he's left with his thoughts. 

He was all alone, he didn't have to conceal (don't feel, don't let them knOWWWW-) anymore, but he did. On the outside: Mondo. On the inside: he's physically and metaphorically fighting back tears. He's such a girl daddy, he loves you so much, he can't even fathom anything right now.

Maybe he found it hard to consider himself loved or deserving of it, especially with his past, but knowing someone as pure, and innocent, and amazing as you—his lil girl—makes him feel so much better. It helps him forgive himself, honestly. 

It takes time for him to even understand the idea that Ishi loves him, but he completely draws a blank when he wonders how on Earth he deserves the love of somebody as sweet and angelic as you. 


"Mommy, I love you!" You announced one day. 

Aoi's face says surprise, but she didn't hesitate to reply, "Aww, I love you too, baby!" She gives you a quick hug but pulls away fairly quickly, "Now what do you want?" 

Don't get Aoi wrong, she loves you, and she would be overjoyed to know that you love her too and just wanted to tell her so. But... she knows you better than that. 

An "I love you" out of nowhere? Suspicious. There's gotta be a condition here somewhere if it's coming from her kid. 

"I don't want anything. I just wanted to say I love you." 

Aoi is giving you the most skeptical look of the century, but she let's it go. "Okayyyy," She drawled out, "If you say so." 


You broke a vase a couple hours ago. 


You took a deep breath. You've been working up the courage to tell your mom that you loved her for a while now. All things aside, she's still your mother, so you felt it was important to verbalize your feelings. 

It was just a little nerve-wracking considering how your mom... acts. You were kinda scared to approach her at all—regardless of the topic. 

But today was the day. Maybe this would change your relationship for the better if she knew she was appreciated. You weren't getting your hopes up or anything, you just wanted to let her know for the sake of letting her know. 


"Aww, thanks! I love myself too!" She answered cheerily, giving you a kiss on the head and promptly walking away. 

That's your mom... 

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