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Taehyung sat in his kitchen discreetly watching Jeongguk as he played with Jeongsan, a smile playing on his lips as the older stood the baby up and walked away to try and make him walk.

    "Come on." He says in a cute baby voice. "Come on, Sannie."

Jeongsan reaches but he doesn't move, he always gets fussy when Jeongguk makes him do this.

    "You can do it, buddy." Jeongguk says kneeling down and holding his arms out.

The baby just starts to cry and plops down on the ground in a fit.

    "Aw, cry baby." The older teases as he scoops him up into his arms. "You don't cry at Taehyung why do you cry at me?"

Taehyung chuckles to himself before standing and walking into the bedroom. "I should put him down for a nap or he'll be cranky."

    "He's already cranky." Jeongguk says kissing Jeongsan's cheek before handing him over.

    "He's not, you're not patient enough with him." Taehyung defends as he takes the baby to lie down.

    "He cries all the time." The older counters.

    "You make him cry all the time." The younger shoots back. "Maybe if you didn't walk so far away he wouldn't be so intimidated."

Jeongguk shrugs, plopping down on Taehyung's bed. "What are you doing while he sleeps?"

    "Making sure everything is set up for the celebration. It's our first impression so wear the clothes that the dressmakers prepared for you and~"

    "I hate those clothes." The older complains immediately.

"They work so hard on them, Jeongguk." Taehyung says sitting down next to him. "It's just a few hours."

Jeongguk smiles softly at Taehyung who returns the smile. "I'll wear them then."

    "Good." The younger says looking away. "You know you never did tell me what Namjoon said to you."

    "Oh." Jeongguk says deflating a bit at the mention of the older. "He wanted to know why we were so close all of a sudden. I told him it was the mate bond. Which is true. But he's unconvinced."

Taehyung nods. "Jin-hyung is too, I don't understand why."

    "They don't want me to hurt you. And I won't, but they don't get that." The older sighs. "I just wish they'd give me a chance."

    "I'm giving you a chance. It doesn't matter if they like it or not." Taehyung says taking Jeongguk's hand in his. "I trust you, Jeongguk."

Jeongguk meets Taehyung's eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. "Thank you."

    "Don't thank me." The younger smiles, brushing Jeongguk's hair from his face. "They'll come around eventually."

Jeongguk nods, at a loss for words as he stares deeply into Taehyung's eyes, trying to decipher his emotions.

    "What?" Taehyung asks after a few moments of silence.

Jeongguk doesn't answer, shaking his head and looking away. "Nothing. Sorry."

    "Tell me what it is." The younger pushes making Jeongguk look at him with a sigh.

    "I think I should go." He says, forcing a small smile as he stands to leave. "I'll see you later at the celebration."

    "Okay." Taehyung says standing as well. "Thank you for coming to see Jeongsan, it means a lot to me."

    "I came to see you too." Jeongguk says, something about his words making Taehyung feel confused.

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