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Taehyung waits exactly an hour after Jin leaves to be sure the older is long gone.

Once he's gone he pulls the key from under his pillow and walks over to the small door.

He hesitates for a moment before pushing the key into the hole and turning over the lock.

The door opens with a small creak and Taehyung squeals in excitement.

He climbs out the window onto the ledge, closing the window just enough that is was shut but not locked.

He looks around and sees the kingdom in the darkness, it was beautiful at night.

He leaps from the top of the tower and lands directly outside of the gates.

His heart races as he looks around the dark forest. "Wow,"

"I was starting to think you stood me up."

Taehyung flinches and faces the sound of Jeongguk's voice.

Jeongguk is standing in the shadows of the woods, his eyes glowing from the moonlight.

"Jin-hyung was late tonight." Taehyung says, the only thing visible to him is Jeongguk's eyes.

Jeongguk steps from the shadows and Taehyung smiles. "So, are we friends now?"

"Yes, we are." Taehyung laughs. "You've proven your loyalty, Jeon Jeongguk."

    "Good." Jeongguk smiles walking alongside Taehyung in the opposite direction of the castle. "I could get in a lot of trouble for having you out here like this."

    "It's okay, you won't let anything bad happen to me will you?" The younger asks.

    "Of course not." Jeongguk says, his words holding more weight than Taehyung knows.

    "Okay then, as long as you aren't planning to take me hostage or kill me we'll be fine." Taehyung jokes. "I'm also like, ten times stronger than you so if I needed to kill you it'd be easy."

    "As if, I'm a true blood and an alpha. I could take this whole kingdom on my own." Jeongguk boasts.

    "Oh! Look." Taehyung says excitedly looking down at his outfit. "These are my clothes. The ones I like."

Jeongguk smiles at the purple pajamas and nods. "That's nice, you look a lot better in the clothes you like. Not that you didn't look good in your other clothes, you looked great. It's just that since you're happier in these clothes I think you look better. Because you're happy or whatever."

    "Thanks?" Taehyung laughs at the other boy. "You're strange, Jeongguk."

    "How so?" Jeongguk asks.

    "Because when I met you, I thought you and your pack were evil. Everyone told me you were mean and killed for fun. They said that you fought in a lot of battles and killed a lot of people." Taehyung says. "But looking at you now, I couldn't even begin to imagine you doing all those horrible things."

Jeongguk nods and sighs. "I guess I'm good at hiding who I really am when I'm around you."

    "Who are you really?" Taehyung asks looking over at the werewolf.

Jeongguk bites his lip, trying to choose his words carefully. "I'm bad, Taehyung. I'm a bad person."

Taehyung frowns and stops walking, the two face each other. "I don't think~"

    "I've been in a lot of fights and I have killed a lot of people. Not for fun, but still I have." The true blood says. "I was raised to kill. To be heartless, all to prepare for one mission. One mission... Ever since I was young I was taught to hate you and your kingdom. I was taught that you were terrible, just like your father. And I hated you so much, my life goal was to kill you, Kim Taehyung."

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