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    "You had absolutely no right to keep this from me!"

Jimin flinches at Yoongi's harsh tone, the fury behind his words making him want to cower.


    "No! You don't get to say anything to me unless I tell you to!" The older vampire snaps. "You've been keeping this from me when you know it's against our law, it's treason for heavens sake!"

    "I know. I know, okay?" Jimin starts. "But, Yoongi you have to try to understand!"

    "Understand? Understand what!? That you've been lying to me? Supporting this goddamn freak show!?" Yoongi shouts. "It's against our nature! It's against everything, everything we fucking believe in! And no one, not even the king himself, is above the law!"

    "What are you saying?" Jimin asks. "Yoongi, Taehyung is a royal blood. Royal bloods~"

    "There'll be other royals." Yoongi says lowly, his voice so cold it sends a chill down Jimin's spine.

    "Yoongi." He says in disbelief and fear.

    "I'm reporting this to the elders. I'm sure your father will love to hear that you've been condoning this kind of behavior." The older says as he starts to leave.

    "I wanted to tell you, Yoongs. I did." Jimin says, grabbing Yoongi by the arm and holding him desperately. "I couldn't hurt Tae. Yoongi, he loves him. He's his soulmate~"

    "And what does that mean to me?" Yoongi snaps turning to his mate. "It's wrong, Jimin. Do you know how many of us died to make this law?"

    "Taehyung has dreamed of finding his soulmate since he was a child~"

    "He still is a child, obviously!" The older says snatching his arm away. "And so are you if you're actually trying to convince me, me, the only one of the two of us that fought in the very war that almost wiped us out as a species to prove to idiots like you that this is wrong, that this isn't okay. I don't care if that's his soulmate. Having a soulmate is an overrated experience. Now, excuse me."

Jimin blinks in disbelief and hurt. "Am I an overrated experience to you?"

    "Sometimes, yeah you are." Yoongi says before walking out and slamming door behind him.

Jimin doesn't follow him out, standing there in anger and hurt, but mostly fear.

Whatever was to come of the elders knowing wouldn't be good.

Something bad was about to happen.


Jin rushes away from Taehyung's bedroom in search of Yoongi.

"Have you seen Yoongi?" He asks one of the guards.

"I saw him leave a few minutes ago." They answer.

Jin curses under his breath as he breaks out into a jog in the direction of the King's quarters.

He finds Yoongi when he's a few hallways away from the quarters.

"Yoongi!" He calls, walking up to the other. "Yoongi listen to me~"

Before Jin can get a chance to react Yoongi pushes him against the wall, holding him there by his neck.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Yoongi whispers angrily. "Are you out of your goddamn mind?"

Jin tries to push Yoongi away but he's weak from not feeding. "Y-Yoongi, please."

Kill The Morado (TaeKook)Where stories live. Discover now