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They arrive at their first meeting ground hours before sundown, nothing but the crunch of the leaves below their feet and the sounds of the wind rustling the trees between them.

Taehyung thinks it's awkward at first but the silence allows him to think and collect his thoughts.

    "We should tie the horses up here and walk in." Namjoon says stopping by a tree. "Jin."

Jin looks at him and nods silently, thoughts silently being passed to him.

Taehyung climbs down from the horse before helping Jin tie it up, Jeongguk doing the same with Namjoon.

    "You okay, Gguks?" Namjoon asks the younger. "You feeling okay?"

    "Yeah. Just a little weird being out here...with him." The true blood answers, straightening the jacket Namjoon forced him to wear.

    "You're doing good." The older smiles. "I'm~"

    "Proud of me. Yeah. I got it." Jeongguk says rolling his eyes. "You don't have to say it every two seconds."

    "I forget you're still an asshole sometimes." Namjoon snorts, petting the horse before turning to Jin who's sharing a few hushed words with Taehyung.

    "They're talking about me." Jeongguk says quietly, his eyes focused on the other two. "I don't get him, hyung."

    "Who? Taehyung?" The older asks glancing their way.

    "Yeah. He acts strange, doesn't he?" The younger asks looking back towards Namjoon. "I remember things about him sometimes."

    "Like what?" Namjoon asks. "You never told me that before."

    "Just meaningless things." Jeongguk shrugs. "I remember meeting him for the first time and I remember him sneaking out to meet me after curfew."

Namjoon smiles softly as Jeongguk recalls the memories.

    "I started remembering them about a week ago." The younger says. "They're good thoughts, I promise."

"That's good." Namjoon nods. "I'm glad they're good."

"I feel bad though. About him loving me." Jeongguk says. "I know we were mates, I remember and I can remember how it felt sometimes. But I just...I don't think I could ever do that again. Be with a vampire. Not after everything."

"I understand, Jeongguk." The older says. "You loved him too at one point though. Even though you knew the consequences. Don't forget that."

Jeongguk looks like he's about to say something before Jin interrupts.

"Are we ready?" He asks them, giving Namjoon a confused look to which the other shakes his head to.

"Can you guys communicate out loud? That shit is annoying." Jeongguk huffs, adjusting his jacket once again.

Taehyung sniggers at his comment, a small smile on his lips.

"Sure." Namjoon shrugs. "Lead the way, Seokjin."

Jin rolls his eyes but leads the way nonetheless, Namjoon following them from behind.

Taehyung and Jeongguk walk side by side with a comfortable distance between them, silence settling between them as usual.

Jin leads them inside the village, ignoring the looks they receive from the villagers.

Taehyung walks confidently compared to Jeongguk's casual stroll, both of them looking like polar opposites.

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