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Namjoon watches as Jeongguk thinks about his proposal of seeing Taehyung, he knew that the younger would be a little reluctant and unsure.

    "When? L-Like tomorrow?" He asks, fidgeting with his wrist, which was no longer shackled.


"And I'd have to be conscious for that? Like completely?" Jeongguk asks nervously.

"Yes. Look, Jeongguk." Namjoon says, going to a stack of papers on the table and grabbing a couple. "This is the picture you drew of Taehyung the first time we asked and this is the picture you drew last night. What do you see?"

Jeongguk sighs as he holds the pictures side by side. "I guess they're different."

"They are. Look at his eyes, they changed. Why?" The older asks.

"Because I changed them." The younger shrugs.

"No, you're beginning to be able to see him for who he really is. These angry eyes, Taehyung's eyes never looked at you that way." Namjoon stresses. "He only ever looked at you with love and admiration."

"Why'd he love me?" Jeongguk asks, pushing the pictures away. "None of this would've happened if he~"

"You loved him too, Gguk."

"Then it was your job to stop that. Yours and everyone else around us." The younger snaps. "This is what we get, this is what he gets. I deserved every single thing that happened to me~"

"No. Jeongguk, you didn't. Things needed to change and you took the initiative. You should be proud of yourself and Taehyung. You guys did it. Don't you understand?" Namjoon says. "They're changing laws, as we speak, because of you. And because of Taehyung."

Jeongguk looks away from the older. "I wish they would've killed us."

"Jeongguk." The older sighs. "Don't do this, not now. Please?"

"Don't do what?" The younger asks. "So what the stupid drawing changed. I'm still the same. I'm still...messed up. I'm not right~"

"You're so much better than you were a few months ago." Namjoon says. "Don't undermine your progress."

Jeongguk shakes his head, looking down at the permanent scars on his wrist. "If he did ever love me he won't anymore. I killed his family and ruined his kingdom. I'm a monster."

Jeongguk's voice sounds hurt and his eyes become distant as he thinks back to a few months ago.

"You aren't a monster and you'll never be a monster in his eyes. He's actually been the one asking to see you." Namjoon explains. "Please think about it, or at least give me a reasonable explanation as to why you say no."

The younger falls silent, that distant look in his eyes fading. "I don't want to hurt anyone."

"You won't. I trust you." Namjoon promises. "Trust yourself. Okay?"



Jeongguk sighs, looking up at the older. "I heard you guys one day, talking about him...Taehyung, having a baby."

Namjoon doesn't know why panic washes over him briefly at the younger's words. "Yeah. He did."

"It's mine." The younger says more than asks. "I think I can feel it, like, the baby."

"Yeah. It is yours." The older says, chuckling softly. "It's a boy. He's um, about a month now."

"A boy." Jeongguk says to himself, looking down at his hands. "What's his name?"

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