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The sun must have set because Jin walks in to feed him after he finishes the last book in the stack.

    "Time for your feeding, kitten." He says approaching the younger.

Taehyung pushes himself from the bed with a pout on his face, his eyes look like he's been crying, which he has.

    "I'm sorry you're sad, kitten. But you must learn from your mistakes, just like everyone else." Jin says handing him his glass.

    "I'm not hungry." Taehyung says looking down at the glass of blood, he never really craved it like the other's did.

    "I'm sorry, but you must finish." Jin says. "I have good news for you if you do."

    "Really? What is it?" Taehyung asks, his mood shifting.

    "Finish." Jin says standing. "I'll get your pajamas."

Taehyung quickly finishes the rest of his drink before setting the cup down and following Jin to the closet.

    "What is it, hyung?" He asks excitedly as he undressed.

    "Your father is giving you your first assignment." Jin says putting a shirt over the younger's head.

    "Really?" He asks putting his arms through the sleeves. "What is it? Do I get to go into the woods? Oh, hyung. Please tell me I get to go outside."

Jin chuckles ruffling the younger's hair. "You'll get to leave your room but I'm not too sure about the woods, little one."

Taehyung nods. "I'll make father proud, I promise."

    "I know you will, kitten." Jin says handing the boy his silk pajama pants.

Taehyung pulls them up his legs. What time should I wake up tomorrow?"

    "The same time you always wake up, the Jett Moon Pack will be delivering 60 of their subjects to live amongst us tomorrow." Jin says making Taehyung gasp.

    "Mutts in the castle? Why would father agree to such a thing?" He asks in disbelief.

    "To insure peace between the kingdom and their village." Jin says. "Don't call them mutts anymore, little one. They are creatures just like us."

    "Shouldn't Father have the prisoners beheaded for killing our people?" Taehyung asks. "And they surrounded their territory with witch hazel. That's against the rules of our treaty. We should have them all tortured and~"

     "Tae, sweetie. I think you're turning into your father." Jin chuckles. "We're trying to restore peace between our kind, we can't react violently."

Taehyung sighs. "They still killed our people, we shouldn't allow them to step foot in this kingdom again."

    "Come on, kitten." The older vampire says. "You should rest."

Taehyung follows Jin out of the closet. "What's the assignment, hyung?"

    "You and the next alpha of the Jett Moon pack will meet to form a new peace treaty." Jin answers. "It will become affective as soon as you come of age."

    "Really? My own treaty?" Taehyung asks. "Wow, that's wild."

Jin chuckles. "Is that what kids say now? Wild?"

   "I don't know, I'm not a kid." The younger says climbing into his bed.

    "Yoongi will come get you tomorrow to meet Jeon Jeongguk." Jin says. "Make sure you dress nicely."

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