Chapter 5-Part 1

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After she had indulged herself with a long cry an idea hit her.  She could not count on her parents anymore.  That was a definite fact but Allen...  Hmmm there was an option.  She knew how he claimed to feel about her.

What if she just maybe... maybe flirted with him a bit.  Would he take her away?  Yes!  That was it.  She would use Allen to get out of her Father's hold and away from the Pack.

Hurriedly she freshened up.  She wanted to look good.  It was all part of the game she was about to play.  Smiling she spritzed some perfume in the air and walked through the thin mist.

"Allen."  She all but purred his voice.  She had walked into the living area and was standing there smiling.  How could he resist her?  She was certain that he could not.

"Yes?"  He replied.  

Knocking on the door before he entered.  He had not of expected to walk into a smiling femme.  Quickly her took her in.  Again he was reminded of how beautiful she truly was.

"You need something?"  His voice was slightly gruff.  His eyes were dilated with need.  After all he was a man now and men had needs.

"Yesss..."  She dragged out ever so slowly.  

Aribella walked over to him.  Her hips rocked side to side as she perfected the walk that femme's had used for thousands of years.  

She had saw her own Mother sway in this manner when she walked.  Had even witnessed Olive do the same.

"I was thinking.  Maybe we got off to a bad start."  She giggled.

Allen said not a thing.  He was captivated by her.  He was curious as to why the sudden change up but who cared.  

The one that he had always desired was flirting with him.  Everyone that had said it would never happen, didn't know a damn thing about women.  He mused silently.

"I think, she wrapped her arms around his neck.  We should run away together.  

Aren't you tired of taking orders from the Alpha?  Wouldn't you like to be the leader of your own Pack Allen?"

His body stiffened.  She was to close.  Much to close.  He always got what he wanted.  Yet he knew that the Alpha was not far off.  He dared not get caught in a compromising position with her.


Annoyance laced her voice.  Why the hell didn't he just say yes already.  This was suppose to be easy.  She knew that he wanted her.  

Did she have to do more?  Would a kiss work?  She shuttered at the thought.  He was a creep.  You did not go around kissing creep's.

Allen felt her arms stiffen around his neck.  His inner beast growled.  The femme did not want him!  She was toying with him.  

Anger washed over him.  Who did she think she was?  To mess with his mind.  Plenty of she wolfs wanted him. Sought out his attention even.

With a determined look in his eyes, he grasped the sides of he face and pressed a angry righteous kiss against her lips.  He held her still as his lips ravished hers.  

He felt her squirm and that only excited him.  His mind told him that she did want him.  She wanted this kiss just as bad as he had.

Aribella pushed her palms against his chest.  This could not be happening.  The ever so gross Allen had her in a desperate lip lock.  

She was repulsed.  She pushed harder.  Her pushes quickly turning into fists that beat onto his muscular chest.

This had been a mistake.  Maybe Olive had been right.  Maybe just maybe she did nee to talk to the Luna about the art of love.  

Not knowing what else to do, she bit down onto his lip.  With his bottom lip trapped between her teeth she bit down with all of her might.  Looking up she saw the anger flash across his face.

Shit.  Now what.

Aribella took a huge step back realizing that he had let her go.  She stared at him haughtilyy.  The nerve of him.  


Allen swiped at his throbbing lip, ignoring the red substance that continued to trickle out of the wound.  "Why would you do that?"  He growled.

"Because Allen.  No one told you to kiss me.  You think she can walk right into here and... and.. have your way with me!"

"You.  He said, taking a step towards her.  Invited me in.  You sprayed on perfume.  Perfume that had not been on you a hour ago.  

You think that it's cool to f**k with my head?  Maybe I should ju-"

The door slammed open.  Shocking the both of them.  A stranger stood there.  His energy filling up the doorway.  Aribella felt a pull towards him.

Allen let out a low warning growl.  "You.  He said pointing.  Should not be in here.  

If the Alpha caught you in here he would tear you limb to limb."

The wolf ignored him.  "Aribella.  Come."  

He held out his hand to her, and in true Ari fashion she scoffed at it.

"I don't take orders from any one Mister.  So you might as well turn around and don't let the door hit you where the Moon Goddess split ya."

"I am Alpha Blake of Lights Grove.  You will do as I saw now."  The authority in is voice had her cowering.  Even Allen's neck had bent forward.

She hurriedly walked forward and placed her hand into his.  She spared Allen not a single look as she was led away by this powerful strange wolf.

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