Chapter 3-Part 5

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Ari sat up in bed.  

She looked over at her alarm clock.


Laying back down she wondered if everything had been a dream. But it couldn't of been.

Could it?

She got up and the first thing she noticed was that she was still fully dressed.  

She stood beside her bed and pulled back the sheets and the summer comforter.  There was the evidence that she needed.

Small bits of debris clung to her fitted sheet.

"This is so weird."  she said to herself.

After a leisure shower  she got dressed and headed downstairs.

She quickly made her way to the kitchen and was in the middle of eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes when the Alpha walked in.

He sat down directly in front of her.

"Did you have fun daughter of mine?"

Ari ignored him and continued to shovel in the much needed food.


She watched him as he watched her eat.

Thankfully for her, he let her finish eating before he went into a tirade.  

"Aribella I will only ask you once.  Where have you been?"

Ari pushed the empty bowl away from her and sighed.  

All she wanted was more cereal.  Her rumbling belly was a good indication that she was still hungry.

"I don't know Father."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"You have been gone for almost two days and you tell me you don't know?"

"I don't."  

Had he said two days?  Where the hell had the time gone? It seemed like a day at best to her.

"Aribella I wont tolerate being lied to, especially in my own home."  He shouted.

"I'm not lying!"  Her bottom lip poked out and quivered.

"I don't know where I was.

I had thought it was all a dream."

"A dream?"

"Aribella I fear for your sanity.  You disobey your mother and I.

 You leave and go off alone and suddenly you have no recollection?  Where were you!"

"I was....

"Yes.  Go on."  He said when she stopped.

"I left out my bedroom window and then I woke up at home."

"That makes not one bit of sense Aribella."

"What are you not telling me?"

Aribella was confused.  Should she tell him about Charlie?

Or how she turned into some sort of wolf/woman creature.  He'd never believe her. 

"Alpha.  After I had left.  I got myself lost.

Somehow I was able to find my way back home and that is all that happened."

Of course she had no intention of telling him about the mystery man or lying down in a Field of Wheat.  

She wasn't certain that she hadn't been dreaming that part.  The encounter with Charlie was real.  She was sure of that much.

"And" He gruffly said.

"That is all."  Aribella replied to him.

What he did next shocked her.

He started to laugh.  Aribella lifted her head and looked at him.

Was he laughing at her?


He held up a finger to silence her.  "Ah.. pup."

"I think I might have failed you as an Alpha."

Aribella was stunned.

Had he of said "I think I might have failed you as a Father."  She would of known right then and there... that maybe things would get better between them.

She glared at him.  

Her mood was short.  Even for her.  She literally bit down on her tongue to hold back her smart ass retort.

Instead she nodded at him.  Tongue in cheek.

"Yes so I have decided that I need to be.." The Alpha was interrupted.


Beta Harper called out as he skidded to a halt and grasped the kitchen island.

Sir we have a situation."

"What is it?"  Alpha Gray asked as he stood to his feet.

The Beta glanced at Aribella then back to the Alpha.


"Lets go."  Alpha Gray commanded in his authoritative voice.

Aribella wondered what was that all about.

Why did Beta Harper look at her?

Deciding to find out she dashed out of the kitchen and ran down the entry hall until she reached the great doors.

She flung them open.

"She screamed."  A long hard over due scream of frustration.  Tired of being left out of the loop and curious as to what the Alpha would have said.  Slightly still dazed and confused, with a under lying feeling of anger and resentment.

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