Chapter 2-Part 2

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"Hurry up Ari!  Move that cute little ass of yours."

I glared at Olives back as she trotted on ahead of me.  

"You know wearing high heels might have been a mistake."  I glumly said to her backside.

She grunted and came to a complete stop.  Of course I slammed right into her.

"Dammit!"  She yelled as she tipped forward.

"Ari.. what the hell?"

She stood up and brushed dirt and grass off of her knees.

"Why did you stop like that?"  I asked her.

"Shhhh." She hissed.

I immediately froze and my ears perked up.

"I don't hear anything."  I whispered

She brought her finger up to her lips and with her other hand pointed.  I was really starting to get freaked out.

I knew it!  This was a bad idea and all because I wanted to ..

The sound of Olive giggling stopped me from mentally bashing myself.  Hand on my hip I asked her what was so funny.

"If you could have seen your face Ari!"

She bugged out her eyes and pulled her lips into a tight grimace.

Then.. throwing back her head and laughing. 

"Oooo It's the Boogey man he's coming to get you."

 She said in a too high pitched tone.


Well who is that voice suppose to scare huh?

 Cuddly bunny rabbit's?"  She was so lame at times.

"Just admit it.  I scared you."


"I wasn't scared at all."  I said as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Did you.. really hear something though?"

All games aside, rouges were on the loose.  This wasn't the time for silly pranks.

"Mmm I'm not sure."  

"Let's keep walking."  Olive said.

Olive and I had this thing.  We would sometimes have full blown conversations with one another, but we'd take turns.

Sometimes when you had a lot of things on your mind, you just needed to release and not stop talking every two minutes to answer a question.

"Hey Olive."

"Yea?"  She said as she turned and looked at me.

"I need to have a BFF chat,"  I said quietly.

BFF chat (Best Friend Forever) is what we called our longer more serious conversations.

"Go for it.  Oh.. well wait a sec.

 Will this be a long one?"  She stopped walking and looked at me.

"Ah never mind,"  I said as I kicked a rock.

"It might be a bit long and I know we need to get to the bonfire."

"Uh uh, don't do that."

"You know our rule Ari!  When we need each-other.

We need each-other flat out."

"Who gives a shit if we are late getting there."

She flipped her wrist and looked at her watch.

"It's just 10:10."

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