Chapter 1-Part 3

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I stood in the hallway outside of the Alpha's home office.

No matter how many times I thought of what to say.  My mind would jumble.  

He made me nervous. Him being my dad didn't change anything.

He was known as Alpha Gray.  Leader of the Haven Wood Pack.  I barely called him dad.  I either called him Father, or Alpha.. like everyone else.

Other Alpha parents adored their kids.

 Not mine!

My mom and dad only had me. So its not like I had a sibling to talk to. When the Pack gets together for social events I always felt like an outcast.

Sure the activities were fun but when it came to the Father Daughter dance.  Or events like that, I always tried to weasel out of it.

The truth is I don't think the Alpha loves me.

I can guarantee that he much rather of had a male pup but he got me instead.  

Last year at the Father Daughters dance.  The Alpha didn't even show up.  

To be stood up.. by your Father no less...

I sighed, and let the painful memory fade.  

Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door.

"Enter."  His deep voice boomed.

I walked in slowly.

"You have been standing out side of my door for ten minutes Aribella,

What is it that you need?"


I began as I held my shaking hands behind my back.

Can Olive come over to stay the night?"

"This is what you come to me for Aribella?"

You are distracting me. 

The Pack cannot afford distractions at this time."

I glared at him.  

Did he have to be so... so damn callous!  

Everything was always about the Pack.  

I was sick of hearing about the Pack. 

"But.. she." I was going to explain my plans to him.

"You are dismissed Aribella,

you knew the answer was no before you dared come to me.

No one leaves the land and no one visits until I deem it safe.

I quickly turned my head so that he wouldn't see the tears.

Tears that would fall If I didn't high tail it out of there.

"Yes Sir."  I said meekly.

I ran back to my room. My long blond pony tail slapped against my face as I took the stairs two at a time.  I slammed my bedroom door as hard as I could.

I sat on the bed and picked up my phone.

The tears fell down my face in fat droplets. Annoying me as they wet up the screen to my phone.

I sent Olive a text and then I laid down.

My pillow once again my confident and savior.

I cried into it.  Releasing all of my feelings,

until exhausted and emotionally drained. I drifted off to sleep.

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