Chapter 1-Part 4

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I awoke slowly.   Sensing it was late before I even opened my eyes fully.  

Groaning I reached for my phone.  11:00pm.  

Great now I would be awake until the wee hours of the morning.

I got out of the bed and stretched.  Feeling unfresh I went into the bathroom and took a shower.  It was weird how quiet things were..  

Not giving the eerie silence another thought I finished my shower and got dressed. I put on my favorite pair of tight hot pink leggings and a long black, off the shoulder tee.  

I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right, so I quickly gathered my long blond hair into a messy bun and located my soft leather ballet like slippers.

Carefully I tip toed down the winding staircase.  I looked left ,then right and heard nothing.  No TV was on..  no soft Jazz that my Mother often played in the evenings.  

Just silence.

I was headed towards the kitchen when I heard whispering voices.

I tilted my head and listened closely, I was able to discern my parents voice.. and another one.  One that wasn't familiar to me.

I by passed the den and sure enough as I drew closer to the Alpha's office, the voices got louder. Being the nosy girl that I was.  I pressed myself against the wall, cocked my ear to the side and decided to listen in.

The door was cracked open.  Giving me a tiny line of vision.

I smiled.  This was fun.  I felt like a good old fashioned spy.

"Alpha Blake.

I know this seems like the best option for you but I cant see my daughter agreeing."

Agree to what I wondered as I listened harder.

"I mean no disrespect Luna Gray but this is for me and Alpha Gray to decide upon."

I shivered when my father let out a low growl of warning.

Sure, he could say whatever he wanted to my Mother and I but,

another male?  That was like asking for a battle.

"Alpha Blake. It would serve you best to remember that you are in my home,

on my territory."

"My love."  I heard him address my mother.

"Remain quiet and let us hash this out."

I heard her when she sighed softly.

It pissed me off that he was such a damn bully.  How can your tone of voice go from affectionate to steel, in a nano second?

"This must be done."  I heard the Male say.

"Your Pack may be the strongest but you also have many pups,

pups who are not trained in the art of war.  I will only offer you this merger once.

"Let us conquer the rouges as a team, we need unity."

"I agree with you Gabe.. I just don't know how this will go over with Aribella."  I heard my Father say.

My curiosity was beyond peaked.  What did I have to do with anything?

"Michael in the past you and I have had issues.  This is not to be discussed tonight.  He looked at Luna then back at Alpha Gray.

Tonight we need to put aside our personal differences.  The rouges have moved in closer to Lights Grove.

I stood transfixed, and was caught off guard when the door swung open.  


Shit! I was busted!

My head bowed forward in submission and a small whimper emerged from me.  He used his Alpha voice on me.

I was dead meat.  I just knew he would kill me.

"I have told you about sneaking around many times.

 Come in now."  He barked.

I had no choice but to obey.  

Silently I stepped into the office, eyes lowered and head still bowed in submission.

"I'm sorry Father."


"You will not speak, you will not breathe."

He pointed to the small sofa and I quickly went and sat.

"Michael please don't be so tough on her."

My Mother plead on my behalf.

"The girl will learn some manners!"

 He said as he took his seat again.

He Will Never Be My Mate!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora