Chapter 1-Part 5

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"Mom, please don't make me do this."  I cried.

"Aribella I cannot change the Alphas mind.

Trust me I have tried."

"Try harder mom!"

"You're the Luna of the Pack, don't you have a voice?

This is absurd."  I yelled.

I know it wasn't my Mothers fault but this was all so sudden.  It had been over a week since I last saw my Father.

He was away on business, or rather he was away ruining my life.

"Pass me the salt Ari."

I sighed as I slid off of the kitchen counter and retrieved the salt off of the spice rack.  Handing it to her I tried to get her to make eye contact with me.

She avoided me effortlessly, as she sprinkled salt into the stew.


Her spine stiffened and the air around her sizzled.

She turned around and growled at me!  I noticed that her moss green eyes, had went  mostly black. She was more wolf then human.

I backed up until the back of my legs hit the counter.

"Mother Luna I apologize."  I said as I bowed my head and whimpered softly.

"Come sit Aribella."

I was afraid but I did as she asked and sat down at the kitchen table.

I kept my eyes lowered.  This woman was my Mother but at that very moment her inner wolf was just itching to come out.

She closed her eyes momentarily and when she opened them again, they were the familiar moss green orbs that I loved so much.

"Ari your Father, our Alpha, is the law."  

"He controls the Pack.  I must obey his wishes,

you being his only pup.. you mean so much to him honey."

I sighed as I listened to her try to smooth things over.

It didn't work like that!  Alpha Gray was more feared then he was loved.  His was known to be a strong leader and a vicious opponent.

This love she spoke of.. I have vague memories of me being a little girl and him being sweet to me.

Then almost over night he changed.

He use to be my Dad.. now he was just Alpha.  

I missed my Dad.

The few friends I had, were scared shitless of him.  The guys that I crushed on refused to even come near me.

I leaned across the table and reached for my Mothers hand.

"Mom please tell me what happened to Dad."  I said quietly.

"Its not my place Ari...."

Her eyes turned misty and suddenly a great feeling of sorrow came over me.

"I promise Mom, I'll never repeat it.

I swear on the Moon Goddess."

"How do you feel about being mated to a stranger Ari?"

"Will you fight?"  She asked me in a dead pan tone.


I..couldn't find any words to express myself.  I wanted to tell her about the Beta's son and how I had feelings for him.

Reid's face flashed into my mind.  His angular face.  Prominent cheek bones..  The way his sun kissed hair curled just under his ears.  Or how his firm lips felt when he had kissed me.

That is who I wanted to be mated with.

I needed to think..

I needed to get away for just a bit.

"Mom can I stay the night with Olive?"

"Ari..."  She sighed.

"Please Mom just hear me out..

I need to digest all of this.  Right now I'm so over whelmed.  If I could just have a small change of scenery, for just a night  I think I'll be able to come to terms with this getting a Mate thing."

I was lying my ass off and I hoped she couldn't sense it.

I really needed to get the hell outta there.

"One night Ari." 


I whopped, as I jumped up and hugged her tightly.  

"I'll call her and ask her to come get me OK?"

"No.. no.. I'll have a guard take you over there.  

When will you be ready to go?"  She asked.

I had already pulled my phone out of my back pocked and started texting Olive.

"Ahem." She cleared her throat.

"Ummm.. give me ten minutes?

I just need to throw a few things in my over night bag."  I giggled as I read Olives text.

I slid my phone back into my pocket. Then I leaned down and kissed my Mom on her forehead. Thanks Mom you're the best!

Before she could say anything else,

or possibly change her mind I ran out of the kitchen and to my room.  

About time!  I was almost free!

He Will Never Be My Mate!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora