Chapter 3-Part 3

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My feet wouldn't move.  Couldn't move.

I watched in horror as Charlie bolted off.  I stood still with a grimace on my face.

I would have to fight..but I didn't know how!

Not a girly fight either, this would require some serious strength.

Sure. I was physically stronger then your average human teenager, yet I was no match for a wolf.

"Oh Aribella!"

"You should of seen the look on your face."  Charlie walked towards me laughing.

"So..Princess is not so tough eh?"  She smirked at me.

I knew then that I hated her.

No one makes a fool out of me!

All my life I have been the joke.  This time things would be different.

I pushed my shoulders back and took a menacing step in her direction.

"Oh, I see.. you want to fight?"

"Is that it Princess?"  She taunted me.

"Don't call me Princess."

"Sure thing..Princess!"

I lost it.

I wasn't just going after her I was going after everyone that had ever hurt me or ignored me. I bulldozed her, shoving into her sturdy frame with my arms out in front of me.  

To my surprise she barely moved.

She looked at me and I saw her blue colored eyes flash into a eerie yellowish color.  The air crackled around her.. a sudden breeze was kicked up.

I blinked.  Before me stood a easily 6 ft tall..creature.  She was huge!  

She had a wolf head but her body remained more human.  

Wiry grey fur outlined her muscular frame. 

C..ha..rlie?."  I asked in a questioning voice.

"Aribella."   I head a oddly familiar voice call out.

"Step back slowly.  On my go. I need you to do this.

Do you understand me?"  He said.

I didn't dare take my eyes off  the horrid creature before me.  So I just nodded my head and prayed that he saw it.

She moved towards me.  Her claw like hands were extended, slashing at the air in front of her.

"Any time now."  I silently thought.


I started walking backwards slow and steady.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I yelped.


From behind me, he spun me around in the opposite direction.

"Run do not look back, we will come to you."

There was something about his voice..

If he had said Aribella swan dive off of a cliff.  I think I would have.

I wanted to turn about and see him.. I had to but I knew I had to get to safety.

I ran and ran and never once did I look back.

Not even when I heard a high pitched scream.

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