Chapter 3-Part 1

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I tossed my duffel bag out of the window.

Peeking my head out, I saw that it landed rather close to the side of the house.  Slowly, I sat on the thin window sill and pushed my legs out.

This was risky.  And my adrenaline was out of control.  Next, I carefully turned my body around and gripped the frame of the window.

If I could make it to the rose trellis... then I would be able to climb down and not harm myself.  I extended my leg out and managed to hook my foot onto a wooden rung.

Leaning over more,  I let out a small squeal as I propelled myself forward.  Hissing when my hand clutched a rose that was tangled in prickly spines.

I didn't have time to examine my cuts.  My mission was to climb freedom.  As soon as I felt my foot touch solid ground, I leaped down the rest of the way.  

Picking up my bag I ran off towards the tree line.

Once I made it to the trees I turned around.  Something was urging me to go back home.  To the safety of my bedroom.

I shook off the feeling.  I was nearly an adult and I wanted to be treated like one.  I was no ones pup. I reminded myself.

Blending into the trees was easy.  I just walked between them and tried to steer clear of any open path ways.  As I walked I thought of Olive and what would become of our friendship.

Oddly enough I wasn't even mad at her any more.  I wasn't even mad at Reid.  I felt "meh.. " about the whole ordeal.

I had been walking for quite some time.  The sky was changing colors and I knew that Dawn was upon me.

I needed to rest.  My feet were aching and I was so thirsty.  Who runs away with out food or water?

I sighed.

I tried to remember what my Father had taught my about survival skills.  It was useless.  I always blanked out during his sessions anyway.  Something about follow the water..

As far as I could see there was no water and even if there was, I had no idea how to get to it.  By now the sun was up higher in the sky.  

I looked around for any kind of shelter.  

There was none.  Although there was a rather large tree with a huge trunk.  I walked over to it and plopped down.

Yawing, I laid down curling up into a small ball.  I used my duffel bag as a pillow.  The soft grass almost felt like a bed underneath me.

I was to tired to care or know the difference.

I fell asleep instantly.. never aware of the one that watched me

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