Chapter 4-Part 5

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"Come on." She said.  Charlie started to walk away from me.  She did not even care if I was trailing behind her or not.  I was not.  I refused to move on inch until she told me what I wanted to know.  

All that she had given me was a piss poor account of what she was.  I still had not gotten the grasp of what she really was.

"No." I said as I held my position.  My feet sank slowly into the soft mossy ground.  I took the time to look around.  This forest was much more beautiful than any I had ever seen before.  

I lifted my foot up cautiously and just as I expected.  I heard a soft suction sound.

I started to turn in a circle.  I wanted to take in everything.  Screw her for ignoring me.  I had a right to know things.  

Even wolves my own age treated me like a pup.  That brought an interesting thought into my mind.  Could I even consider Charlie to be a wolf?

"Fine then." I said to her.

If she continued to ignore me then that was on her.  I would be damned if I had to obey a young she-wolf or whatever Charlie was.  I started to veer to the left and I stopped and made another circle. 

 I did not see her.  Oh well.  Maybe she really did leave me behind.  I felt slightly at unease and not so sure of myself but I shook off the feelings.

I swung in a circle again, this time much faster!  My long ponytail whipped and lifted as the breeze kissed it.  My arms held right out in front of me.   

When I stopped, I followed the direction that they were pointing inn.  This could be fun, I thought.  A small adventure.  Just a wee bit of rebellion on my part.  I could not help it, did not want to help it.  

It was. Who I was. 

I shuffled happily along.  Totally forgetting about Charlie, or anything else for that matter.  As I was walking, I spotted a strange looking flower.  It was stunning!  Easiest the most beautiful flower that I had ever seen in my life.  

It was an opaque pinkish color, and seemed to be illuminated from within.  It was huge.  Easily the size of a serving saucer and boasted a barely there green stalk.  The way the main blossom looked reminded of and onion petal, the kind that you would see at steak houses.

I got down onto my hands and knees to examine it more closely.  It really was glowing!  Tiny flecks of light traveled up and down the veins of each petal.  

I wanted it. I wondered how the Luna would like it.  I thought that it would look perfect in her garden.  Then I too could see it whenever I wanted to.

I wrapped my hand around the base of the stalk and was just ready to pull when I heard a "Don't you dare. Aribella!"  I frowned and looked up to see Charlie looking down upon me with distain written across her face.

"Why not?" I asked.  Never taking my hand off it.

"Because I said so." She yelled.

I rolled my eyes at her and let my finger tickle its way up the stalk until it met a petal.  The tip of my finger caressed it.  It felt like moist silk. Hurriedly I plucked the petal.

"You are horrible!  Why can't you ever listen to anyone Aribella?"

I got up slowly, wiping the dirt and grass off my knees.  "What's the big deal?  It's just a damn flower."

"It is not just a flower.  It is THE flower," Charlie screeched.

"What's so special about it huh?" I asked.

Inwardly I wondered if I had really just done something wrong.  I had a feeling that the flower was special.  It was just too damn beautiful and unusual looking not to be.  

I was just tired of being told what to do.  When would people let me do as I pleased?

To spite her I let the petal slip from between my fingers and float down to the Forrest floor.  I promptly crushed it into the floor bed with the tip of my sneaker.  

That will show her.  I gave her a look of defiance.  She glared back at me.

  "I can't do this." She said.

"You are not ready and I doubt you ever will be."

"Ready for what I asked?"

I started to get that odd tingling sensation again and I felt the nausea rising. 

Oh no not again!  My eyes closed on their own and when I awoke, I was alone on the beach.  Night had fallen and I was cold.  

I was damn cold.  I gathered up the few things that I had come with and made my way home.  I already knew that I would be in trouble.

Who cares.

I wanted to know more about what was happening to me.  I wanted to know about the forrest and the flower that I had seen. I wanted definite answerers from Charlie.  

Most of all I wanted to get out of marrying a wolf that I did not know.

I wanted.... I was not sure what I wanted.  Maybe I wanted what Olive and Reid now have.  On the other hand, maybe I just wanted to be left the hell alone.

  Yeah.  That's it!  I just want to be left alone.  No one could make me do anything that I did not want to right?  Not even the Alpha.

Determination settled deep inside of me.  No matter what, I was not going to let anyone get in my way.  

Soon I would be an Adult.  That meant that I could and would make all of my own decisions.  Smiling, I made my way back home.

He Will Never Be My Mate!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang