29 - With a slushy comes a blue raspberry flavoured surprise

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I don't know if you've noticed yet, but I'm one of those weird people who actually likes going to school. I like learning, being in class, having a good excuse to sit on a chair for most of the day. I've just always enjoyed school itself.

But there is one subject (besides PE) that I just couldn't stand ever since I was introduced to it: Chemistry. I freaking hate it. And my school is stupid enough to make us choose the subjects we want to have, besides the mandatory ones of course. So since, my brother was actually pretty good at Chemistry, when I was a little freshman I thought that I would choose Chemistry instead of Biology or Geology. Because they weren't as fun for me when I was in middle school.

Don't get me wrong, I've always liked the practical part. But when it comes to the theoretical part... I just can't stand it. I have to study twice as hard comparing to the other subjects, and I barely get an A-, when I get an A-. Never below than a B though.

So you could only imagine the stress I was in when I was about to have my Chemistry test the Tuesday after the oh-so-dreadful-karaoke-night.

The only thing that calms my weird self down in this specific situation is singing the Periodic Table song. Either version is equally as weird and it helps me feel more comfortable to Chemistry tests.

So this was my constant murmur during five minutes of break. Totally didn't sound like a crazy teenage girl.

"There's hydrogen and helium, then lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon everywhere, nitrogen all through the air. With oxygen so you can breathe, and fluorine for your pretty teeth, neon to light up the signs, sodium for salty times."

The problem was, each time I looked at the clock on my phone another minute had passed. So my speed increased. "MA-GNE-SI-UM, aluminum, silicon, PHOS-PHO-RUS, then sulfur, chlorine and argon, PO-TA-SSI-UM, and calcium so you'll grow strong, SCAN-DI-UM, titanium, vanadium and chromium and manganese."

Yet, whenever the chorus came along, my anxiety would chill a maximum of 10%.

"This is the Periodic Table, noble gas is stable, halogens and alkali react agressively, each period will see new outer shells, while electrons are added moving to the right."

So it was a constant state of increasing 20%, then slowly coming down 10% to then come right up again.

By the time the bell rang, I was finishing the song for the second time. "Nihonium, flevorium, moscovium, livermorium, tennessine, oganesson, and then we're done!!"

After that, I took a deep breath and as I was about to power off my phone (BECAUSE THAT'S THE RULES, PEOPLE) I received a message from none other than Invisible Girl herself.

Adam: Good luck! Don't forget to kick butt!

I smiled at the message, powered off my phone, and stepped into the classroom feeling like I could actually kick some butt that day.

But I'm afraid it was meant to be the other way around.

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I had just finished my last class before lunch that day and was already midway through my way to the meeting point with Patty and the guys.

I still had my Chemistry test in my mind. Remaking all the calculations in my mind, revising all the answers I wrote with the Chemistry book almost against my nose.

While passing by my locker to grab my lunch, I noticed that a lot of students were drinking the all-mighty drink of High School clichés called... slushy. And in my opinion, I couldn't be more excited.

Here's the thing: in my school, if either the food machine, or the coffee machine, or in this case the slushy machine is working on the first day of each term, then it will stop working by the second week and then keep on like that until the end of the term. And guess what... they finally fixed the slushy machine. Which meant that I could finally get that incredible feeling of brain freeze that I just so happen to love. Which is also why I love slushies, especially the blue raspberry one.

Me, Myself and ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon