25 - Preparing myself for hell

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S. A. D.

My favourite holiday in February. Single's Appreciation Day. Which has the same date as the worst holiday of all... Valentine's day.

The only good thing about that holiday is how much chocolate starts appearing in the mall. Like everywhere. Who cares about cute teddy bears, hearts and love? All this girl needs is the stores to smoothly put on a big box of expensive Belgium chocolate on sale to actually find some happiness on that day. Because that's the appreciation I get for myself for being single and happy.

But... things don't go so smoothly in the real world  when your best friend, constantly reminds you every single day for the past two weeks that the freaking day was coming. And that *you actually have a boyfriend this year* and *you need to do something special* and *you need to give him a present* and *you need to be extra romantic* and *you need to dress nicely for the date* and *OF COURSE YOU NEED TO GO ON A DATE* and *I'm gonna pick your outfit to make sure you don't ruin everything* and bla bla bla bla bla.

And me of course constantly replying. "Patty, IT'S STILL NOT VALENTINE'S DAY! WE'LL DECIDE WHAT WE'LL DO THEN, OK?!"


And then it turns into an endless conversation about who is wrong and who is right.

So, to finally make her shut up, the day before Valentine's day, when I finally managed to get off Patty's sight, I walked to Adam and pushed him to a corner.

"Listen, I don't have much time but, as weird as it will sound..." I took a deep breath to prepare myself for what I was about to say. "... could you please go on a date with me tomorrow?"

He raised his eyebrows with surprise and looked at me with that usual smirk of his. "Wow, are pigs actually flying right now? Because if I heard correctly, you just asked me on a date." He said and then started running his hand through his hair. "Man, I know I'm sexy and all, but normally it's actually the guy asking the girl out. You must really be desperately in love with me to take the initiative."

With that, I just rolled my eyes at him. Yeah, me being in love with Adam... never gonna happen. Ever.

"Not like that you moron!" I replied. "I just want to hang out tomorrow and make it look like a date so that Patty will shut up about it. Believe me, I would not ask otherwise."

"Oh!" He said. "Yeah, she's been sending me hints about that too. It's kinda strange, and in a way creepy too, but if that's what you ask, then sure. You've done plenty of stuff for me too, it's time I start paying you back."

Wow, did Adam just respond to a serious question without making a joke out of it? Did that seriously just happen?

"Ok... uhmmmm" I looked at the ground to think of what I would say to him in reply. "We'll work on the details later, I guess"

"Really?! We'll work on the details later?! Goddamn Caroline, learn how to speak to people!"

"Oh, no no no!" He responded putting his finger on my lips as if to shut me up. What the quiznak? "You asked me on a date. It's up to me now to pick the place and time. Got it?"

I moved my face to the side. "Got it. And don't you ever touch my mouth again!" I replied.

"Wasn't planning on doing it either!" He said laughing.

And so we went our separate ways.

I did have a big day ahead of me tomorrow...

● ● ●

As you can already guess, Patty was freaking out right now. She had already picked the outfit that I would wear, the make-up, the hairstyle too probably and she was just about to finish making notes of what I should say in little post-its. Yup. She's reached that point.

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