09 - Thieves at my house

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I like to hope.

They say that hoping is a good thing.

Unless you're hoping that your best friend who knows you better than anyone else won't find out that you've been keeping secrets from her. Especially if the secrets are related to her ship which is basically you and a guy you met about a month ago.

So when she does find out, you should be prepared for shouting and arms shaking and well... yeah... basically shouting.

I'm telling you this because I was totally not prepared when Patty came to me right at 8 am (which is the time of the day when no one is really awake) on Friday and shouted. "Why did you not tell me?!" At that moment, I was just packing my things in my bag which I had kept in my locker. So yeah... not the best way to start a day.

After a lot of yelling, not letting me talk, and calling me a "two-faced lying bitch" she finally took a deep breath and looked at me. "You do realize that the party is tonight right?" She said now more calmed.

"Yeah, and I don't really care," I said already a bit tired of the conversation. Seriously though... you do not want to deal with me in the morning. I'm either even more cranky or just so tired that I don't want to hear a word from your mouth. Yup... I'm pretty awkward and lazy sometimes.

"What?! Why not?!" Patty asked in a high-pitched tone. I just rolled my eyes. "Patty, it's a social party. Which means that there are gonna be tons of people there that I don't know and it includes socializing. And you know I'm not good with that!" I replied sounding really sleepy.

"Girl, why don't you just say that you don't like parties?" She sighed. And, as I was not in the mood for arguments with Patty at the moment, so did I. "Fine, I don't like parties. And a social party is one of the worst kinds of party. But you don't like parties either so why are you making me go?" I replied now starting to get a little more awake.

She rolled her eyes and looked back at me. "Girl, you know I don't. But this is an excellent way for you to socialize more-" She said.

"One reason not to go," I mumbled.

"-you get to meet new people-" She continued.

"Two reasons not to go," I mumbled again.

"Caroline!" She shouted again. Damn, she really wants me to be deaf, doesn't she? "What?!" I said, still a bit sleepy. She took a deep breath. "Adam Johnson, the Adam Johnson, invited you to a party. And it's not polite to say no or even worse, not show up without any particular reason besides 'I don't like parties'." She said.

Ok, I'm not the only one who's actually getting what she means to say, right? So let's just get on with it. "So, in other words..." I replied. "...this is just one more of your shipping plans right?"

She looked away trying to look innocent. "No, I just really want my best friend to socialize more." But with that, I just glared at her. The glare was intense enough for her to admit it. Apparently, my glaring skills, if that's what you call it, are getting better (yes!). "Ok, fine, it is. But you gotta admit this: the guy freaking asked you to a party!"

And the fangirl attack started again. I'm not even gonna start explaining how it was. It's a freaking fangirl attack. What would you expect?

After a lot of yeeehs and making a face that looked like an emoji I finally put my hands on her shoulders. "Patty!" I shouted. "Ok, fine you get what you wanted, I'll go!" She was about to start jumping since her smile actually managed to become bigger and happier, so I decided that it would be better if I kept my hands on her shoulders. "But on one condition: you have to come too."

She stared at me for four seconds and then finally spoke. "Ok, fine." I finally let my arms down. "The things I do for my ship." To be frank I actually felt relieved. I knew that Patty wouldn't stop mocking me over the goddamn party for a whole other month.

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