02 - Red hot chilli peppers can ruin your sandwich and a girl's Friday

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Guess what?

He did get revenge. Or at least tried to. Multiple times. But people should really just start being more creative. But in another way his revenge did work. So, it's like, in the middle of working and not working.

I'll explain.

That whole scene with that moron happened on a Monday. What a great way to start a school week (I hope you noticed the sarcasm in that).

So, Tuesday came and I was calmly making my way to Physics class when I felt someone following me.

I looked behind but the number of people didn't help. It was raining outside so people were all next to their lockers. Girls were inside because they didn't want to get wet and they wanted to see the boys' wet hair and bodies. Boys were inside because they wanted to show their bodies to the girls and because if they stayed outside the teachers wouldn't let them enter the classroom, knowing that them creating a little lake next to the chair was big was almost a certainty. So, my school looked like one of those pictures that show the effect of our beautifully overpopulated world in some cities.

I continued my way down the hallway. I thought that people had forgotten about the 'incident' the day before because they weren't really staring at me or mumbling something about me.

But that was until I arrived at the popular kids' lockers area. "Why does Physics have to be at the other point of school?!" I thought to myself. If I turned left, I had jocks looking at me. If I turned right, I had more jocks looking at me. And cheerleaders too. Which were the dumbest human beings in every school. "Great..." I thought. "Just great..."

I looked back again. Still no one. I shook my head. "C' mon Caroline. No one in the Universe would want to spy on you. Unless it was Patty in case that she felt that you were hiding something from her... but she is already in the girl's bathroom remaking her hairstyle. Stop going paranoid!" I whispered to myself.

I thought that no one heard me whispering. But I was wrong. A hand grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. I knew that hand. The hand touched me yesterday. And you can't simply forget that touch. Especially when you slapped the person who owns the hand with a book and kicked him in a bad place. "So, your name is Caroline, huh?" He said.

"Yes. Problems with my name?" I started walking and he let go off his hand. I did not have time to that stupid dumbass. I continued walking firmly not looking back.

But then I heard someone running in my direction. "Hey! Don't walk away like that!" It was Adam. Again. He was running pretty fast. Fast enough to bump into me. Was he even looking at where he was going? Then I heard him tripping.

"Watch out!" He screamed.

I calmly took a step to the left and right then his face bumped into the floor. I looked at him and with that, I burst out laughing. His face was completely smashed into the floor and his butt was a bit higher. It was so funny! "You know..." I said in the middle of laughs. "... I'm pretty sure that the floor likes you flirting with it. Because at least it won't slap you with a book!" I continued laughing and then walked away.

It was his first try to make me feel uncomfortable. And the others didn't go that well either. Believe me. It was like some bad luck raining cloud was right above him and when he tried to pull it to me, it just started raining more.

First, it was trying to embarrass me in front of his 'friends'. Then he tried to put some underwear in my locker. But he got the wrong locker and poor Sam (at least I think it was his name) had to take the consequences.

On Wednesday, he got the right locker. Just not at the right time. He was trying to put some weirdly moldy food on it. But Mr. Williams, the principal, was passing by and caught him. Three times in a row.

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