23 - Water splash

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After that lunch, Adam and I didn't talk for the rest of the day. In fact, he didn't talk to anyone. Not even Thomas or Ben. I saw him in the hallways a couple of times but he always kept his head down. As if he was avoiding any type of social interaction. I should know, I do that all the time.

And, to be honest, I felt like I was responsible. Because I was the one who told him. I was the one that made him realize that most people at this school see him as the typical bad-boy quarterback player type. Which means that most people don't know him. At least, they don't know him the way I do.

Of course, who am I to judge and say things like that? After all, we only met 3 months ago. Yet, after three months of pure madness, I could say that he wasn't the bad-boy quarterback player type. Because if he was, then he wouldn't have only kissed two girls in his life. And would have already tried to kiss me...

But you might be thinking how do I know that he's telling the truth? Well, because I just do. Did he give me any proof? No. Did I go ask around to see what the others would say? No. But, do I believe him? Yes.

And this was my mental state for the rest of the day. Even when I got home. My mom asked me if something was wrong and I just told her that a friend was going through a rough time. I could've lied, sure, but from the 17 years that I've spent on this planet, I've noticed that moms always know when their children lie. And if they don't find out right away, sooner or later they will. And I've had my fair share of consequences for lying. Believe me.

Late at night, I found myself still thinking about this whole situation and it felt... weird. There I was, Miss Me Myself and I, thinking of a boy before going to sleep. What has this world turned into...

● ● ●

The next day definitely didn't start off any better than the previous one ended.

I woke up late, threw on whatever I grabbed from my wardrobe (although I do that every day so...), chugged down a mug full of white cold milk, grabbed a croissant, kissed my mom goodbye, and left the house with a mouth full of croissant.

As soon as I entered Patty's car, she looked at me with a disgusted face. "If you even dare to leave a single crumb on my car, I will choke you to death. Got it?"

"Jus dwive de caw!" I answered with the croissant still in my mouth.

And so she did.

We stayed silent for some time. After all, she already knew what was going on. And when I told her yesterday, she was basically just as shocked as I was.

"So how do you plan on doing things today?" She asked finally breaking the ice. I looked at her with confusion. I didn't quite know what she meant by that.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Girl, your so-called fake boyfriend, is actually going through a rough time right now. How would you react if you found out that I was spreading rumors about you being a little horny bitch with someone else and also find out that the entire school sees you the same way?"

"You wouldn't do that! Not even if someone made you do it." I replied trying to avoid the subject in a subtle way.

"We both know I wouldn't. But Adam thought the same thing about Harry and look where that got him!" She took a deep breath. "Look, this is Serious Patty talking. Not Shipper Patty, not Crazy Patty, Serious Patty. And she tells you to step up and go talk to the guy. Because even though you may think of him as cocky and smirky and as kind of a jerk sometimes, whether you like it or not, you guys are friends! And he needs some of those right now. Got it?"

"Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?" I managed to answer.

"I said, got it?!" She asked again slightly going to her angry mode. And I did not want to see her in her angry mode.

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