17 - Dating equals dying (at most times)

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Quick advice to people who want to be popular and date the most popular guy in school: don't.

Because if people even hear the slightest rumor, then your plan to pass unnoticed will fall apart and break into a thousand million pieces.

And also: don't tell your best friend. Especially if she ships you with him. She'll start jumping around screaming, then squish you so tightly that all of the oxygen in your body might disappear and then she'll start screaming around again.

Yeah, that might happen.

And if it does, make sure you have a way to cover your ears. It's a crucial part of the process of protecting your audition.

Yup. You bet it. To whom has that happened? This girl, right here!

And guess what? All in the span of 2 days! So my life was once more a living nightmare! How cool is that?!

I can easily answer that: not cool at all!

Because, for example, as soon as I entered the school on Friday I felt at least three different groups of people looking at me. And the numbers only started growing with basically every single step I took.

Yeah. That.

Not to mention, the part when I found Adam right before I was about to enter the jocks area. He looked at me in a way that made me completely understand that he was feeling the same as me.

"Hey there, Meadows."


He smirked a little at me and I laughed. Then he turned his eyes to me again. "Ready to fool everyone in this school?"

My facial expression turned to its normal nervous look. "Do we have another option?"

And then he laughed. Stupid jerk...

"Well, at least be happy that we both agreed to only make physical contact when it's absolutely necessary."

"So how do we do this?" I asked him.

He looked at me confused. "Wait... you never dated anyone? Not even that type of dating people did in kindergarten?" His jaw was about to drop but I managed to keep it shut.

"No, I haven't. And before you say another comment like that, just tell me something we can do to make us at least look like a... couple." Saying it out loud even made it seem less sensible than just keeping it in my mind.

"Well... uhmmm... I could carry your bag I guess?"

And with that, a smile came right to my face. Friday was a terrible day when it came to the weight of my bag. I normally had to bring all the material that I wanted for my Crafts class. It was either that or Economics, Photography, or an additional sport. And the additional sport part was only for people on a sports team or for cheerleaders so that they had more time to practice. I guess that my school is just strange...

So as you can imagine, I always left on Friday with a big backache.

I immediately gave the bag to him and took the book that I was currently reading out of it. "How chivalrous of you Johnson! Thank you very much!"

"Man, what the fuck do you have in here?!"

"Lots of paper, books, lots of materials for Crafts..."

"You take Crafts? Why the hell would you wanna take that class?"

I looked at him very seriously. "Because I love crafting, I almost burned my kitchen twice, I don't like staying around to take the same picture over and over of the same goddamn cup and if I play more sports than the ones in PE, then I'll die of exhaustion."

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