16 - Thursday

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"Just walk as fast as you can and reach your goddamn locker!" I told myself.

Normally Thursdays are the worst days of the week, because my school apparently hates me enough to put all of my most hated classes on that poor day of the week. I'm like Garfield, but with Thursdays.

For example, I twisted my ankle for the first time on a Thursday, I have Gym on Thursdays and  the food is always bad on Thursday.

In conclusion the only good thing about that day is Critical Role, but I can't watch it because not only do I have to study, but also sleep due to being in the middle of the week. I might be more of a night person, but I just can't stand waking up late. One of the mysterys of life...

Plus, whenever those days come around, the probability of bad things happening gets as high as the Burj Khalifa.

But that Thursday, I was confident. I was sure that the day couldn't possibly be that bad. I was optimistic that I would do my best to pay attention in English class and not procrastinate after the teacher's first sentence. And I was poised wouldn't trip in the thin air in Gym.

But man, it did not turn out how I was hoping!

Let me tell you the whole story.

I was calmly searching for my Geography book in the middle of the mess that a small locker could be, while Patty, as usual, was redoing her make-up, hairstyle and a bunch of other stuff in the bathroom. Quite frankly, I don't know how she does it. You go to the bathroom in school only when you have the human necessities. And make-up, is definitely not one.

And that was when I noticed two small feet stopped right behind my locker door. But feet that seemed most likely to come from a 6th grader.

I closed the door, and saw a girl that would probably barely reach 5'0, with long black hair with unnatural brown highlights, brown eyes and big lips wearing a stripped t-shirt and ripped jeans. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that she had the biggest breasts in the world!

Seriously, how could she not have back problems?!

"Hi there!" She said smiling widely.

"Hi." I was totally freaking out. Why was a stranger talking to me? Aren't people suppose to avoid strangers? Haven't we learned anything about Little Red Riding Hood?

"Could you please help me find my locker? I'm a bit lost around here." She asked.

"I... uhmmm... s-sure. J-just tell me the number." What the fridge was I doing?

"It's number one thirt-" And then she suddenly stopped. Her eyes went bright and the smile one her face just got bigger. "Oh, my god! Adam! Adam!" She waved her hand widely and then I saw none other than Adam Johnson himself.

But this time instead of the laid back look, the way he was looking at the girl, coupd only be described in one word: 'Fuck!'

As soon as the girl noticed that he was looking at her, she just started calling him towards us. And stupid Adam just did as she wanted.

Inside of me, I had this strange feeling that I hadn't quite experienced before. What was it called? It was consuming me and putting a smile on my face as Adam came closer and closer. Oh, I know: pure malice! Mr. I'm The Best In School was about to have an embarrassing moment and I was here to witness it. That sure did put a smile on my face.

While I was lost in thought, Adam had already arrived and the little girl almost immediately basically wrapped herself around his left arm.

Starting smoothly are we? Go on, I wanna see this!

Me, Myself and IHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin