01 - The Big Bang

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The Big Bang is a theory of how the Universe was born. When everything was nothing a sudden point of light appeared and created a big explosion that consecutively created the Universe and it now has millions and millions of years.

But high school fortunately only has four. Although those years seem more than the years of the Universe.

Especially if you are the nerd/geek/socially awkward girl who is only there to study and get excellent grades so that you can get into MIT and study architecture so that then you can get a good job and after ten years maximum of practice you can start your own company.

'Luckily' to me, I'm that girl. It's not like I get bullied or something. I am a nerd and I'm proud of it. But of course, 90% of you think that a nerd or a geek is someone who has braces and dresses nicely and gets bullied by everybody, and wears big glasses. But I'm not like that.

I do wear glasses but, let's just get to the point.

Where was I? Oh yeah, my plan for the future.

And I was completely sure that high school wouldn't be more than four years of being just me, myself and I. But that was until my Big Bang came.

Normally, to a girl, a Big Bang is associated with like bumping into your future love and looking straight into his eyes and know that it was love at first sight and all that stuff that girls are hoping for. Well, my Big Bang was pretty much the opposite. And it all began in the parking area of St. James High School. Or as I like to call it, a little taste of hell.

I was calmly waiting for my best friend, Patricia (commonly known as Patty), next to her car for her to give me a ride home since my mom is way too overprotective and thinks that I should only start to drive at the age of 19. Which, in her words, basically means never.

So, there I was minding my own business listening to music while reading a beautiful book when out of the blue a football hits me on the center of my head.

FYI: It. Was. Freaking. Painful.

I closed my eyes with pain, took my earphones off and put my hand in my forehead.

"Great Scott!" I said to myself.

I heard someone running in my direction.

And I know that it wasn't Patty because she never runs.

Soon the person was right next to me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I noticed that it was a boy's hand. "Holy crap!" I thought to myself.

"Are you ok?" the boy asked.

"Do I look like it?!"

I opened my eyes and that's when I saw him.

He was pretty good-looking (and that said by me does mean something). He had short spiky dark brown hair, that if someone tried to mess up would most likely go to its original position. And he was wearing one of those jackets that jocks wear just so that the world can see that 'they rule the school', which meant that he was most likely in a sports team, which, considering the football, was pretty obvious which one was.

His skin tone was not exactly tan but not pale either. Although it was Autumn, so most guys have that skin tone.

But that was until I noticed his eyes.

His eyes were just... magnificent. They looked brown but if you looked more closely, they had slight slashes of green.

I had never seen eyes like those. And they seemed to be constantly transmitting tons of joy as if the world had no problems at all.

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