10 - Parties are a lame name for drug dealing

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There we were.

Just staring at one another.

Me and Patty.

Completely shocked at each other.

I'll just quickly explain why I was shocked. It's very simple actually.

For lack of a better word, Patty looked extremely slutty. She was wearing an extremely short black dress, a bit tight at the top but it sort of ended in a round way in the tiny-skirt-that-barely-passed-her-butt part. And then she wore some black cat puffy ears and tail (which I have to admit were kinda cute). And she had painted some cat characteristics on her face. Like the nose and all that stuff. So, I think you get my point.

After moments of silence, Patty was the first one to speak. "Hun, please don't tell me that you're a Ravenclaw?" She said a little more calm.

"No! I'm just some girl from a private school that has a weird uniform!" I answered sarcastically. Was she blind?! "Of course I'm a Ravenclaw." I shouted. "And judging by your reaction, this was the best out of all choices." I mentally said to myself.

"Girl, I respect and understand your Ravenclaw pride. I really do! But you gotta understand that this is a highschool Halloween party. Not Comic Con!" She shouted.

I rolled my eyes. "Look, Patty, I had nothing more suitable for this party. I don't own dresses or anything like that! My wardrobe is full of colorful hoodies and geeky t-shirts and pants. Just that! And you are lucky that I'm wearing a skirt." Although I was wearing shorts underneath the skirt. Just in case...

She just sighted. "Yeah, but at least let me like cut a bit of the skirt and then maybe the cape and maybe use the tie in another way..." She was starting to grab my cape so I just push it to myself.

"Oh no! This is an accurate Ravenclaw uniform. You are not cutting any piece of it!" I shouted. Here we go again. Another wardrobe discussion. Not again...

"Oh c'mon! You won't make it to the party if you go dressed as a Ravenclaw." She looked down. "But at least you're wearing nice shoes."

Yeah, I was wearing what I like to call lady's shoes. They're extremely uncomfortable and (to be honest) they make my feet look bigger.

"Yeah, sure..." I mumbled. She rolled her eyes. "Just get in the car!" She said walking towards it. Before I walked to the car I grabbed a bag that I had left next to the door with a pair of red converse trainers. The shoes were were so uncomfortable that I would probably just change during the party when Patty wasn't looking.

I walked to the car and got in.

For the next couple of minutes we stayed silent. I decided to think for a while. If I didn't change my costume, Patty wouldn't shut up about it all night and we would drive each other nuts. If I did change it, I would be cranky all night and we would drive each other nuts. So I decided that this time we could make an agreement.

"Ok, so clearly we won't agree with my costume." I said. 

"Clearly." She said. You're not making it easier Patty...

I took a deep breath. "So let's do it like this. You say one thing, and only one thing that I can possibly change in this costume and I'll change it for something from my own choice. Agree?" I decided that this time I would glare at her. The subject was serious, so serious actions had to be taken. And as you've probably guessed I was already planning on what to use...

"Agree." She said not looking away from the road. 

"Good. So what is the thing?" I asked her. She thought a little time on the subject and then an idea came to her mind. Judging by her mischievous smile, it was not a good idea. 

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