19 - A satanic ritual dedicated to the 7 Dwarves and Red Bull

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"So my little sister finally got herself a boyfriend? Man, you kids do grow up fast!" Joseph said messing my hair like I was a 5 year old.

"I just told you it is not like that! It's fake dating!" I corrected pulling his hand out of my head.

"Notice the word dating."

I sighed and placed my hands on my face. "Gods, you sound just like Patty..." I looked back at him. "Joseph what should I do?"

"Well, for starters you need to keep your head up. Can't really do anything if you don't follow this one rule of life. And, although we both know how we handle lies..." He took a deep breath. "... I think that if the guy's really your friend, than you should try doing this one favour for him."

I sighed again and then smiled at my brother. "Thank you, Joseph."

"And this is a chance for you to be less of an Hermione and socialise more." He murmured really quickly.

"JOSEPH!" I said hitting his arm.

"What?" He asked laughing. "Did I say anything that wasn't true? And besides, you're the one who self claims herself as a real life version of Hermione Granger. Aren't you?"

"Yeah... but that does not give you any reason to insult my ways to socialise."

"Which are none existent."

"JOSEPH!" I hit him right in the same spot again and strongly than before.

"Ouch! Caroline, please don't turn into a sycophatic teenage girl who seeks blood and death..."

"So you mean Arya?" I laughed a little. "Don't worry Joseph. You're not on my list." And so I stood up ready to make my way out of his bedroom before quickly looking back. "Yet, at least."

"Wait... Caroline!" But he was already too late.

Man, do I miss my brother sometimes...

I was already half way to my bedroom when my phone started buzzing. I grabbed it and saw none other than my fake boyfriend calling. Notice the word fake, people.

I considered on whether or not I would pick it up. I had absolutely no reasons to do so and I was really not in the mood to deal with that voice of his after two days of complete suffer. Weekends were created for some reason!

But... if I didn't answer the call he would probably call again or tell Patty and she would call and... well... you see where I'm going with this don't you?

And so I entered my bedroom, closed the door, laid down on my bed and picked it up.

"What do you want?"

"Excuse me to who am I talking to?" He asked in the most innocent tone he could pretend to have.

"The daughter of the Zodiac. Now what do you want?"

"I'm sorry but I do not know neither this person or this voice. You will have to be a little more specific."

"It's Caroline. Hope you're happy. Now, what do you want?"

"Which Caroline? I actually happen to know many." Yeah, because you are so popular that you must indeed know many females with a nasal teenage girl voice who happen to have the name of ild ladies from the 60's!

"Meadows, you stupid jerk! Now answer my question!"

"Ohhh! Hi, Caroline! How are you?" Like I said: stupid jerk!

"Could be better if you happen to answer my question."

"Oh, yeah that. Well, I was planning on us to go have dinner somewhere today." He finally replied. Was it that difficult?

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