41 - And now... we wait

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That night, it took me way longer to fall asleep. Sure, watching My Hero Academia with Miranda helped, but all it did was make me not entirely focus on what had happened during the afternoon only while I was watching the show. It didn't make me forget about what Adam said to me and I to him. So, add that to my normal slight insomnia of not being able to fall asleep for one hour, and we've got ours about two hours of trying to sleep.

For that entire time, all I could think about was Adam and all the stuff that had led to where we are now. And when he told me that he liked me... I panicked. I'm not used to... you know... being liked. In fact, I make every possible effort not to. In my mind, if someone was to like me it was for who I truly am. No filters, no masks, just me.

And when it finally happened, I wasn't ready.

I know how much of a hypocrite I must sound. I like Adam, but when he told me he liked me I ran away. But it was how I reacted. And Adam's reaction wasn't the best either. He straight up told me to forget about it and that he didn't mean it.

My reaction wasn't any better. I screamed at his face for him to leave me alone. If Adam did the same to me, I probably wouldn't take it very well.

And from that late afternoon until after lunchtime the next day, that's what we did. I avoided him relentlessly and he didn't make any moves either.

For example, in the time period between my arrival at the dorm and the time we were supposed to no longer leave out rooms, Miranda and I went to grab a few snacks from the vending machine downstairs. As we were about to head back to our dorm, Adam had just left the elevator. So, the next steps the two of us took in the middle of all the drunk adolescents filling that floor, looked more like the first time a teen is about to do some parallel parking nonsense than actually walking in the direction two normal human beings would.

It pains me to say that we ended up taking the stairs. But hey, at least we each got a bag of Doritos so...

The next day at lunch wasn't any better. Due to my fear of confrontation, Patty, Miranda and I ended up being the very first people to arrive at the cafeteria, both at breakfast and at lunch. It might have also been because of the number of hangovers people were having.

The good part was that there was at lunch they had a fried chicken option. The bad part was that, because of how nervous I was of encountering that certain person, none of us managed to savor our food properly.

By 2 pm, Patty, Miranda and I had just arrived at our dorm and we were all on our phones in our respective beds scrolling down through different types of social media websites. But that was until I received three texts from... you know who.

Adam: Hey

Adam: I really need to talk to you

Adam: I'll be on the bench near the front door after dinner even if you say you don't want to see me again

And with that, I froze. I wanted to scream. I mean... at least he took the initiative, right? But, at the same time, I was still hurt and I didn't want to get hurt even deeper or for the opposite to happen.

So naturally, I asked for the girls' help. I mean, it did kind of work before and as it turns out Patty had already filled Miranda in all the shenanigans between Adam and I. Plus, I am completely hopeless when it comes to social interaction when in discomfort so a couple of external opinions would only help.

"Hey, uhmmmm... c-could you two help me with something?" I asked while unable to stop staring at my phone. Patty immediately noticed the hesitation in my tone and threw herself to my bed landing right behind me, gluing her eyes to my phone.

Me, Myself and IWhere stories live. Discover now