11 - I'm a socially awkward bean once again

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After that, I woke up in my bedroom with the sun shining on my face. It was weird at first. I thought I was still at the party. How did I end up there?

I sat on my bed and then it all came to my mind. Probably to the front part because the moment I tried to sit, there was a huge wave of pain that decided to go straight there.

And I thought that it would be just a headache. A really strong one apparently. But I was, once again, wrong.

In the space of two minutes, I was already in the bathroom vomiting my whole stomach out. I'm not gonna give details about it because people might be touchy with the subject, so let's just say it was A LOT of puke.

Suddenly the door behind me opened and I heard a voice. "So, how was your party? Did you have fun?" My dear stupidly annoying caring brother decided to ask in that tone where you already know the answer to your question and just want to make the other person mad. Which he unfortunately succeeded.

"Jerk," I said, then vomited once more. What did I eat? I only ate salty snacks and some brownies. What have they put on my stomach that hurts so bad?

And Joseph being the great big brother that he is just laughed at me. "Look at little Caroline all grown up. Went to a party and arrived home unconscious." And then laughed once more really loudly. Stupid brother...

I was about to respond but the vomit just came back again. So. Much. Vomit.

When my brother (finally) managed to calm himself down, he (finally) gave me some 'good' information. "Oh, by the way. Patricia wants to talk to you." And with that, he left laughing.

Great. Now Patty wanted to talk to me. And my stupid brother would come up with this event for the rest of my life. Great!

After a couple of minutes sitting next to the toilet, I somehow managed to get up without throwing up, but my head was still hurting really really bad.

I closed the window, grabbed my phone, and just let my body fall on the bed. I was really not in the mood to talk or walk or even sit down. Even though I'm normally not in the mood for anything... but this time was different!

I slowly turned my face to the right and looked at my phone. Just a click on the right button and it would turn on.

For some time I simply stared at the screen. The freaking black screen. But the moment that I started drooling, I finally clicked it. Thank God!

I was just looking at the lock screen. Patty had already called me about 7 times. Dear Lord, this was gonna be a tough conversation most likely to contain screaming, demanding and in the end Patty would probably take a deep breath and say that this is my fault because I never accepted her social intervention.

Whenever I do something wrong in the social matter, this is what happens. And it happens a lot.

I digit my pattern and then called Patty. "Please don't scream. Please don't scream. Please don't scream." I murmured.

Unfortunately, my prayers were hopeless, because the moment the phone stopped beeping I had a screaming high pitchy Patty on the phone. I told you, didn't I?

"Finally you dare to answer my calls! I was extremely worried about you! God! Do you know how embarrassing it was to appear at your house with an unconscious you?! It was horrible I was mortified!"

I just sighed. "Good morning to you too. And stop screaming, please." I mumbled. It was just giving me more headaches. What a best friend, right?

"Don't you dare say that to me! How am I supposed to react?! Just act chill and do everything calmly?! Well, I say not! Not to mention-" And that was the moment when I stopped her. Because, as you can see, an annoyed Patty is pretty annoying.

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