"Oh. Well then I'll leave him be." I nodded saying that I agree. Then Bella walked in and sat across from us.

"Hello Cissy, Ana, Draco." I raised my eyebrow.

"Um, hi." I said awkwardly. The doors then burst open and father strutted in. The room went dead silent as he sat down. Everyone looked at him as he slowly examined the room. His eyes then landed on me. He looked at my hair and glared at me.

"Take that out. Now." He hissed quietly.

"No." I snapped. Everyone looked at me in shock.

"I talk back to my father, get used to it." I told them. They relaxed a little as I looked back at father who groaned quietly.

"Fine. Welcome my followers!" He said getting up from his seat.

"I called you all here to discuss something very important." He smirked as he looked at all the death eaters one by one.

"The death of Albus Dumbledore." The room had an uncomfortable silence.

"This act will be taken by our newest death eater. Draco Malfoy." He said coldly. I gulped and glanced at Draco.

"If he doesn't complete this task! He knows what will happen to him!" Father snapped as he stared at Draco. Everyone had their eyes on my boyfriend.

"Now that we have that out of the way. Let's plan for future events." The rest of the meeting went by in a blur. I just couldn't stop thinking about Draco and his task. I wanted to be there to support him but I can't!

"Okay. We will have another meeting after Christmas." He announced. Everyone nodded and quickly walked out of the dining room. I rolled my eyes and walked over to father.


"Yes, Anastasia?"

"Well I was wonder. Could I please just go to Hogwarts, and before you say no! I can go to see if Draco completes his task and maybe I could even-"

"No! You must not help him! You are not going to Hogwarts and that's final! We already have stuff for you to do around here!" He cut me off.

"Yeah, just snatch some Mudbloods and blood traitors! We don't even do anything to them! We just capture them and torture them then throw them in the cellar! What's the point?!" I yelled with tears pricking my eyes. Why am I crying?! Some of the death eaters that were still in the dining room quickly turned toward us to see what was happening.

"Why do you do this?! Just... leave." He pointed toward the door. I was about to walk away when he stopped me.

"Wait! Come here!" He snapped. I turned back around and walked toward him slowly. He stared at me then grabbed my hair tie in my hair and pulled them out. I gasped in shock when he tugged me down.

"Never wear your hair like that again. Understood?" He whispered to me while in my face. I gulped then nodded.

I stood upright again and stared at him. A single tear rolled down my pale cheek. I took a deep breath and wiped my tear away quickly.

"Fine. But then I won't snatch the rest of the week." I said walking out of the dining room. I could basically hear his furry but I ignored it.

LOVED BY A MALFOY | D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now