The Luke is Back

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Authors Note: I really don't mean to put Luke as such a bad character but it was just to help with the story plot. I really like Luke and, of course, Cameron Boyce and still in such shock about his passing (Rip🙏) so please don't take this to any offence

(Maya's POV)

(Time set: One week after dance)

"Please Maya Please!!!!" Zuri begged as I continued to quietly eat my pasta.

"Maya! Come on! We're practically your sisters!" Emma begged along with Zuri.

"We promise we won't tell a soul!" Tiffany and Lou said at the name time. Taking a deep breath I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. I looked into each of their eyes, cursing myself for doing so, before making a mental decision in my mind.

"Fine! I'll tell you what happened..." I trailed off as everyone started to squeal, "Later," I smirked as all the girls dropped back into their seats as if I had just burst their bubble.

"MAYA!" They yelled and if looks could kill, I'd be 6 feet under.

"Ok! OK! just don't kill me!" I cried playfully putting a hand over my head like a shield.

"So, we went to the spot and he asked me to be his girlfriend," I shrugged as if I told it a thousand time before, which was probably true considering Zuri, Emma, Lou and Tiffany asked me EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past week.

"We know that! We need the details!" Lou sighed throwing her hand into the air. I opened my mouth to say something when out of nowhere a loud roaring sound filled room, getting louder and louder each second. Kids covered their ears and ducked under tables as if we were going the get attacked. Rolling my eyes at the campers, I ran out of the mess hall quickly followed by the rest of the woodchucks. I shield my eyes from the sun and the dust flying everywhere like sandstorm. Looking up I saw a ladder be released from the helicopter and someone was lowered down to the floor.

"Luke," We all groaned remembering the 4th ross kid that got held up in summer school instead of summer camp. Luke jumped off the ladder and gave the man a thumbs up. When the dust stop flying and the roaring was a fair distance away, Luke threw his hand in the air with a silly grin on his face.

"I'm back!!" I cheered before walking up towards us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked utterly confused.

"Yeah, you're supposed to be in summer school?" Emma pointed out with her arms crossed. Shrugging off his sister's comment he turned to me.

"Miss me?" Luke asked giving me puppy dog eyes as I heard Emma scoff behind me.

"You wish she miss's you," Zuri snapped crossing her arms.

"Actually I have been wishing," Luke snapped back at Zuri as she gave Luke her oh-it-is-so-on look.

"Maya?" He asked grinning as I just raised my eyebrow.

"I want to ask you something," Luke said trying to take my hand which Tiffany just so happened to help me slap away.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked as I literately choked on my own spit. Lou comforting patted my back as I gain back my breath.

"Luke I.." I started before Luke cut me off.

"Yes I know this is quite early and we've only spent a day or less together but I really think this is meant to be," Luke smiled.

"Luke, I..." I tried to say but I was cut off my Luke yet again!

"You know what? I'll give you time to think about it, It's a big decision that you should get to..." Luke trailed off as Zuri elbowed him in the rib cage.

"Luke! Let the girl talk!" she yelled at her brother before coming up to me and whispered, "Your hottie at 3 O'clock," She winked as I turned around to find the Grizzly's running over to us. Almost immediately I was pulled into a hug by Griff and my tensed state immediately relaxed into his hug.

"Are you ok?! We heard the loud roaring sound in the woods and I immediately ran over," Griff told me lifting my arms and checking for injuries.

"Griff I'm fine! But your face.." I trailed off tracing the large scratch along his cheek.

"Oh that? I got it running over here, I actually didn't notice it, I just had to get back to make sure you were okay," He reassured me taking my hand.

"GOALS!!!" Zuri, Tiffany and Jorge screamed cheerfully as a blush crawled up my cheek. Luke cleared his throat reminding us all that we're here. Luke stretched out a hand for Griff to shake, his eyes traveling to ours that were linked together.

"Luke Ross, the oldest boy and second oldest child in the family," Luke introduced with a proud smirk.

"Griff Jones, former juvenile delinquent," Griff smirked as Luke took a barley noticeable step away from Griff.

"Nice to see you reunite with your brother Maya," Luke smirked bringing my brother into the conversation. From the corner of my eye I could see Griff eager to do something, I do't know whether it was to asked me if I really had a brother or he just wanted to punch Luke's face as much as I do.

"Luke, Griff is my boyfriend,"

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